Geo Daddy Catch up

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Arataki Itto

how you met:

-You were wandering the streets of Inazuma navigating yourself to the small stand that sold Dango milk. You felt hard footsteps approaching you, you whipped your body around to see a large, muscular figure running in your direction. He approached you quickly begging you to help him and how the Tenryou commission was after him. You glanced at his rather sharp horns, you recognized those in almost an instant. He's an Oni! Wait, he's an Oni? Oh shit, no time to think. You grabbed his arm and dragged him along. It felt like an eternity running until you reached your house. You pushed him inside then ran inside yourself, you slammed the door shut. You heavily panted before opening your eyes to see the embarrassed-looking Oni.

Getting to know each other

You kinda took care of him after that happened. It would have been too dangerous for him to go out so soon after. You made him food, gave him a place to sleep, and gave him ways to distract himself. He was never ever taken care of like this. You appreciated him, a lot. No one ever appreciated him besides his gang. Everyone saw him as a scary one. Besides his big, scary structure with his tough act. He was actually a total softie. That's what You thought was adorable. You really enjoyed his company no matter how dumb he acted. It was nice to have someone who was there. (Plus his ABS- I mean eyes <3 )

Confession :

 Omg, this man was shaking in his boot just thinking about it. Ok ok ok so this was his mindset when thinking about confessing 
"Shit Y/n is so cute. but what if they reject me? oh god, who would ever love this dumb Oni? Wait, who wouldn't love this dumb Oni?" And with that, he walked his candy ass up to you. Deadass, PINNED YOU AGAINST THE WALL AND SAID "Hey, your pretty hot and I like you a lot. Do you wanna see, y'know start dating me?" When he realised what he was doing he wanted to run. You said yes but you felt like you were about to pass out.

Cuddling him


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Your taehyung ( White shirt ) Cause yknow. U get to rest on his pillows :)

Jealousy levels


He is P R O T EC T I VE. Plus everyone's scared of him so if someone is getting to close this man just has to walk up and this person shits themself

Top or bottom

Do I even have to say it?




K I n k s:

-Tbh I think he has a thing for being on a collar. 
-he definetly wants to tie you up.
- with the things he wears on his chest. the strap things. IDK what they're called 

Wearing his clothes

-when he saw you in his hoodie this man got hornkeeeeeee
- how about we don't write the rest?

Songs you two listen to

-Sweet/I thought you wanted to dance - Tyler the creator
-Converse high - BTS
-Best interest - Tyler the creator

Stuff you guys do

- You two are deadass kpop stans. Turn on Gee by Girls generation and this man will become and uwu discord kitten
-you two like to annoy the Tenryou commission together >:)
-You both take just random, long-ass naps. Like 6-hour naps at 11 am


i love aratakis eyes so much

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