Cocaine and Bubble Gum

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Phil places his last box in the moving truck and shuts the door. Phil and his father will be taking the private jet while their belongings are flying in a regular plane that will be able to better accommodate.

Phil walks over to his father, who was speaking to another man, which Phil recognized as Tom. Tom is one of Phil's father's friends, he's also one of the men that got his father into the business.

"Hello, Philip." Tom holds his hand out and Phil shakes it firmly

"Hello, Tom." Phil pulls his hand back and notices that Tom is holding a huge black duffel bag.

"Here is half, the other half is waiting where I told you, in London." Tom explains to my father as he hands the bag to him which Phil's father then hands to Phil. Phil once again knows better than to ask what is in the bag. He assumed it had to do with the business.

"Alright Tom, we better get going." Tom and Phil's father shake hands and Tom leaves while Phil and his father make their way to their private jet. They get on the jet and take their seats. Phil sets the duffel bag down near the back of the jet.

The next eleven hours were excruciating to Phil. His father just talked about their new product and how he doesn't want to see my mother. Also how he hopes my brother decides to join the business. Phil discovered that he will now be selling cocaine.

Once the jet landed Phil's father told him to leave the duffel bag and he would have someone bring it in the mansion. Phil only nodded and his father exist the jet and makes their way over to their new home.

They enter the huge mansion and it's already decorated. Phil assumed that his father had this planned for a while. He always tells Phil a day before if he's lucky he tells him two days before. Lucky for Phil he was used to this so he never really kept a lot of things.

Phil and his father part ways and Phil makes his way up the grand staircase. Phil checks each of the rooms till he finds the one that holds his belongings. He walks inside and begins to unpack. Tomorrow is his first day at his new school.

Phil unpacked for a few hours before the jet lag hit him. He changes into some sweatpants and climbs into bed and falls asleep fast than he expected.

Across town Daniel stands in his closet trying to pick out the perfect outfit for tomorrow. Daniel grabs his black cashmere jumper, his Gucci fishnet stockings, and his black Balenciaga sneakers. He then goes over to his jewelry box and takes out his gold necklace with a pendant that has Baby written in cursive. He also find his black Chanel earrings which are the classic Chanel logo.

Daniel sets his outfit on his desk ready for tomorrow and he goes over to grab his cigs. He takes one from the pack and places it between his lips and lights it. Daniel has been smoking cigs for about 2 years now. It started off as only something he did when he went to parties but it soon became an addiction.

He taps the side of the cig while holding it out the window to let the ash fall. Daniel finishes his cig and turns it out. He decides to go take a nice shower. He picks out some silk pajama baby pink shorts and a baggy black shirt. He gently sets the clothes on the end of his bed before walking into his bathroom and getting the water ready. As Daniel is taking his clothes off he stares at the hickeys that litter his body. He gently runs his finger tips over them. He closes his eyes and sighs.

He didn't understand why he let himself be used. Marvin only wanted Daniel in the confines of his bedroom. Marvin acted different when they were alone. He never really let Daniel be around him. If Daniel was ever around him he treated him like he was just a friend. Marvin always tell him the same things over and over.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm just not ready."

"My parents would kick me out, we don't want that, right baby?"

Daniel opens his eyes and realizes he was crying a little but he quickly wipes
away the tear sliding down his cheek. Daniel gets into the shower and relaxes under the warm water.

After Daniel is finished with his shower he turns the water off and gets out. He puts on his soft plush robe and walks into his bedroom and starts getting dressed.

He goes back to his dresser and picks up his pack of cigarettes again and takes one from the pack. He opens the window slightly before lighting the cigarette. Everyone always tells Daniel that he smells like cigarettes and bubble gum.

Daniel walks back into his bathroom with his cig still between his lips as he grabs a towel to dry his curly locks. He gets most of the moisture out of his hair and decides that will be fine till the morning. Daniel finished his last cigarette of the night and puts it out.

He climbs into bed and finds his phone. He unlocks it and the time reads 10:12 PM. It was still fairly early for the brunette but he figured he needed his beauty sleep. Daniel plugs his phone into the charger before getting comfy in his bed. He snuggles into the soft sheets and lets his beautiful brown eyes flutter shut as he fall asleep.

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