Chapter 2

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*Colt's POV*

I walked home in the cool November air. Jaielle walked with me to my house, I asked her about the dance. She said she wouldn't mind me taking her as a 'date'. Which it wouldn't really be a date, more like the two of us acting like idiots like we always did. Then an awkward slow dance now and again.

As I approached my house I said goodbye to Jaielle as she continued down the street to her own home. I opened the door and threw my bag down by the coatrack, but leaving my hoodie on as it was still kind of chilly in here. My mom was the first to see me as I made my way to the kitchen. "Colt, honey your dad and I are going to be gone for the evening. We're going to visit Heather and Bill, to talk about the wedding planning. We'll be back sometime around 10 or 11. Is that alright?" Her soft voice asked. "Sure mom, that's fine." I told her with a smile as I poured myself a glass of iced tea. "Great, honey." She pecked my cheek and continued to the living room.

I put my glass down as my phone viberated in my pocket. I took it out and opened the message. It was from Ryan. 

I'll be over around 5. Is that okay?

I smiled at the message and replied


I put my phone back in my pocket. I forgot I'd asked Ryan earlier if he wanted to hang out tonight. It wasn't unusual for Ryan to come over, but sometimes he'd get caught up in work with his step dad so I didn't really know when he was free. 

"Hey mom, is it alright if Ryan comes over around 5?" I asked as I sat on the living room couch.

"Sure that's okay, just don't trash the house." She gave me a wink and walked upstairs.

I switched on the T.V. and began watching whatever show was interesting at the moment.

*Ryan's POV*

A few light flurrys fell onto the fabric of my jacket as I helped my step dad fix some of the walls in the garage. The nails had given up on the wood, and so some of the walls were barley attatched to the roof. The last thing I wanted to do was be out here with my step dad fixing a garage, especially when I knew I could be with Colt right now. But I knew it made my mom happy for me to be getting along with my step dad, although it wasn't really 'getting along'. It was more like do what he says so I wouldn't get hit.

"You work slower then a snail on crutches," He mumbled at me "Such a disappointment."

I ignored his words and continued my work. My step dad and I were never on the best terms. I hated him and he hated me, and that was that. We did have one thing in common though. We both loved my mom. We did anything to make her happy, and if pretending to get along made her happy, so be it. Although, my mom would often leave for job interviews- sometimes even out of state. She could never find or keep a good job since she had dropped out of high school to raise me. I've seen a lot of high school drop outs live a great life on great salary, but I guess not everybody has that ability. 

"Boy, go over there and hammer the part I just covered up." He told me harshly. I avoided eye contact as I walked to the other side of the wall. "Can you tell me something?" He asked. I shrugged as I began to hammer the wood. "You've been living with me for almost 10 years, since you were 6 years old. And you've never spoke a full sentence to me. Why is that?". I knew he didn't care what the reason was, even though he damn well knew. He was such a complete douchebag to me, even though we made sure my mom was oblivious of the matter. 

"Not gonna answer me are you," He said in defeat "Alright." I continued my job of hammering the wood, when his voice spoke up once again, louder this time "Wait!". Before I even had a chance to process what he was talking about, the entire top part of the wall came tumbling infront of me. My step dad was outraged.

"You good for nothing son of a bitch! I spent hours working on that damn wall and you just ruin it in seconds!" He shouted at me "You're completely worthless!" He screamed as he raised his hand to me.

*Colt's POV*

I sat on the sofa waiting for Ryan to at least text me back. It was 5:15, and I expected Ryan to show up by now. I tried texting to see if he might've got caught up in something, but he wasn't answering any of them. My mom left about an hour ago, and I was alone with nothing to do other then blankely stare at the television.

A sudden distressed knock on the door grabbed my attention. They sounded like they were about to break the door down. I got up and rushed to the door, opening it abruptely. Infront of me stood a distraught Ryan, looking a complete mess. His hair looked messy, he had tears running down his face and his glasses were gone. "Colt," He whispered, still in pain.

I lead him inside and shut the door behind us. He held his hand pressed to his left eye, obviously the main source of the pain. "What happened to you? What's wrong with your eye?" I questioned concerned. He stopped for a minute as his hand grabbed something from out of his eye. It was a piece of broken glass from his glasses, which were now no where to be found. His left eye was red and bloodshot, and he looked up at me looking completely broken.

"What happened?" I whispered again, more softly this time. "Darrell." He admitted, using the name of his step dad. I knew they'd never gotten along, but I never thought Darrell would hurt Ryan like this. "I-" He attempted at explaining but it came out as more of a sob. "It's okay." I told him, pulling him into a hug. He buried his face in my chest as his arms found their way around me, holding on tight from sobbing. I never seen Ryan like this before. It felt somewhat unreal to me. It's one of those feelings where it feels more like a dream then reality. 

After Ryan had finally calmed down enough to explain to me what happened, he went to go clean out his eye and make sure it was okay. After he was sure he was fine, we sat on the couch in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, more as a calm one. One that felt normal. I'd offered to get him food or a drink or anything else he might need, but he denied all and just kind of sat there, looking somewhat dazed. 

He stayed later that night then usual, about 10:30, a few moments before my parents were supposed to arrive home. I walked him home and waited until he was safely inside and with his mom, and was relieved when I saw Darrell's car wasn't in the drive way. I thought about Ryan on the way home. It was kind of weird to see him in that state. It showed me a new emotion to him I hadn't really seen before. It touched me in a way unfamiliar to me. Almost like I just wanted to protect him, save him from the stuff he had and was going through. 

I don't know. Maybe I'm just over thinking.

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