Chapter 1

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*Colt's POV* 

I walked out the doors of the highschool, thankful to finally be released from that place. I pulled my tossle cap out of my bag which slung down from my shoulder. I pulled it over my head as my eyes scanned the parking lot for my best friend. Ryan.

As soon as I spied his spikey black hair and his green backpack which he seemed to wear every year, I called his name. "Ryan! Wait up!". His smaller figure stopped and turned my direction as he waited for me to catch up to him. "Hey. So how did science class go?" He smirked. "Mayes totally flipped shit on me. She said one more late project and I get detention." I mocked the word 'detention'.

"Haha! I told you you should've started early." He said as we approached our bus. "Sorry I'm not a try-hard like you." I joked. "Better then not trying at all." He said in his defense. I scoffed and looked back to see who else was already on the bus. 

"Colt!" Jaielle's voice boomed from above me, her blonde hair falling over the front of the seat.

I looked up to make eye contact with her "What, Jai." "Are you going to the dance Friday?" She asked, her eyes glowing. "I don't know. Are you?" 

"Yeah. But I don't have a date, so I need somebody to hang out with while I'm there, so you and Ryan better show up." She commanded as she ran to the back of the bus to talk with the rest of her friends.

"What about you," I asked nudging Ryan "If you're not going, I'm probably not either." "Yeah I might." He comtemplated. "Did you get asked?". "No, but I'm afraid Jai might kill me if I don't." He laughed. "True. I might ask her." "Jai?"  "Sure. But we won't show up as a couple or anything. Just a date."

"Oh." Was all he said

*Ryan's POV*

Him and Jai? Of course. Of course he would go for her. I know he says it will be 'Just a date', but there's a 99.9% chance that 'date' will turn into something more.

I stared out the bus window. How did I even get into this? Did I one day just decide to wake up and say 'Hey, why not fall for my best friend I have no chance with?', because it felt like it. I don't even remember how I started liking him. It was all normal until one night, he accidentally put his arm around me in his sleep. We were never all touchy-feely with each other, so to have that type of contact with him was new to me and sadly, I liked it. I contemplated that night whether to move his arm or not, which I ended up doing because I didn't want to have to deal with the awkwardness of it when we woke up.

But ever since that night, it hasn't been normal for me. I enjoyed hanging out with Colt more then anything, but it was a little difficult. Have you ever tried hanging out with somebody who didn't know they were your crush? How you always feel nervous you'll do something stupid or unimpressive, and always worried what they would think of you? It was kind of like that. 

It's been almost a year since that night, and I haven't stopped crushing on him since. The fact that he's close to me a lot only makes the feelings stronger.

I must've been very deep in thought, for I didn't notice Colt saying my name 10 times already.

"Ryanna!" He teased, waving a hand infront of my face. "Can I help you?" I said sarcastically and tried to laugh. "Are you in la-la land? Come back to reality. Earth to Ryan." He said in a somewhat robotic voice at the end. I laughed at his stupidity and pushed his hand away "I was just thinking." "Thinking about what? Food?" He joked. "Sure." I said in an attempt to end the subject. "But really, about what?" He asked, not really too focused on it.

"I don't know. Life."

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