Chapter 8

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*Colt's POV*

I woke up the next morning totally scared that Jaielle would say something to Ryan this morning about last night. She'd almost told him over the phone, but thankfully I stopped her. I know that Jaielle would never actually do it, I think she was just messing with me last night, I hope. If she did tell him though, I have no idea what I'd do. I'd have to fake my death and live under a rock for the rest of my life. Either way, it felt nice to finally get the secret out to somebody. 

I got up, still half asleep, and stumbled to get to the bathroom. After I got ready for the day, I headed downstairs. My mom and dad were at work, so I locked the door on my way out. I walked down the street, anxious to find out if Jaielle was there yet. Thankfully she wasn't, and I stood by Ryan who was most likely going to ask about the phone call from last night. He turned to me "What was going on last night?"

I saw that coming. "I don't know, Jaielle was being stupid. Nothing new." I laughed. "Ha ain't that the truth." He agreed. Jaielle was in the distance making her way to the bus stop. As she approached us, she purposely bumped into me, knocking me into Ryan. "Oh, sorry Colt." She said, but secretly winked. I shot her a death glare as she just smiled and walked to her friends. "What was that about?" Ryan asked, catching on to her fake run-in with me. "I don't know." I shrugged nervously, terrified he would catch on. 

The bus pulled up, and Ryan and I stepped on. I sat beside him as Jaielle raised her eyebrows at me when she walked passed us down the isle to get to her seat. I rolled my eyes and just looked at Ryan, who was looking back at me.

*Ryan's POV*

There was clearly something going on with Colt and Jaielle, that was obvious. They kept making gestures and saying stuff that I didn't hear, almost as if it was an inside joke. She purposely pushed Colt into me, and winked at him. She also winked as Colt and I sat together, and each time Colt looked dangerously nervous. I wanted more then anything to know what was going on. 

"What's going on with you and Jaielle?" I asked "Don't tell me nothing, she makes it pretty obvious." I smiled. Colt looked like a deer in headlights "What's obvious?" He asked quickly. "That there's something you're not telling me.". He looked somewhat relieved at the statement, but still didn't seem at ease. "Really nothing. She's just, I don't know. She's just messing with us.". "She's acting like you were that time you found out she had a crush on Lannen." I laughed. Colt tensed up almost immediately. "What do you mean?". "I don't mean anything, really. Just saying." I said awkwardly as Colt let out a sigh. I don't know what's up with him lately.

*Colt's POV*

I walked out of the highschool, quickly putting my tossle cap on and rushing to the bus. I did not want to face Jaielle at all, at least not when I'm with Ryan. She's been making it completely obvious! I was so scared he caught on a few times this morning, but I don't think he did. Not yet, anyway. I walked down the isle before seeing Ryan, who was already sitting in our seat. I sat beside him and he greeted me. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I answered back. "Will you tell me what's going on yet?" He asked. The bus started moving as I sighed. Of course he would ask that again. "It's really, honestly nothing." I tried to assure him. "But Colt-" "Hey guys!" Jaielle exclaimed, pushing me against Ryan as she sat at the edge of our seat. "Jaielle what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm sitting with you two today." She winked at me again, and I knew Ryan saw it.

"What is going on with you two?" He asked again. Jaielle moved closer to me, making me move even closer to Ryan. The position we were in were very uncomfortable, considering the three of us were squished into one seat. "This is hurting me." I said dramatically, pained from being squished between the two. "If it's uncomfortable, just do this." She said, moving my arm so that it was around Ryan. Ryan's eyes went wide and he was blushing. I don't know why, probably because he was in a tight space between the window and I. Jaielle once again winked, and this time moved even closer, so that there was literally no space between Ryan and I. I was so terrified that Ryan had finally caught on, but he wasn't even looking at her, he was looking out the window, seemingly not wanting to look me in the eyes. I was so nervous, don't get me wrong I loved being this close to Ryan, but this was just so awkward. 

As long as I'm here, might as well enjoy the moment.

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