Itsy Bitsy Spider

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(Y/n) P.O.V.
We moved to the only other safe place that I knew, the Tree. The sun was up by now, when I looked behind me I could see smoke clouds. It still felt a bit weird to have pirates surrounding the place I once called home. We settled and spilt up into three groups: the hunters, the waters and the guards. I was a member of the Hunters, knowing these grounds the best. The waters went to Left-Arm Creek and came back with wine skins filled with fresh water and the guards build a barricade around the Tree. Hunters came back with rabbits, sparrows and even squirrels. At night fall we lit a fire and cooked the meat, someone started to sing a sea shanty and all the others followed, their voices mixing with the soft crackling of the fire.
"What do we do now?" Starkey asked after they finished the song.
"We build rafts, try to get away from this bloody place," Smee answered.
Yes, but first I have to find Danny. That was the origin of our visit to Neverland. "I still have to find my nephew," I mumbled.

They're going to hate me for this. All the men turned their gaze to me, startled.
"And where is he supposed to be then?" One of the pirates said with a edge in his voice, I took a deep breath: "He's in Fang."
"And you plan to go there by yourself?" Smee asked, I nodded.
"I'll go with her," Wendy said.
"Me too," Jane and Jo added simultaneously. I eyed them unsure but the girls didn't back down.
Smee sighed, "When do you plan to go?"
"As soon as possible," I replied. He let his head hang, "If he's in Fang, you should go now. Every second he spends there is a risk."
I gave him a thankful glance. Wendy, Jane, Jo and I left the men behind and made our way to Fang.

"Are you alright?" Jo asked after a while. I didn't answer.
"Of course you're not," she mumbled. No I'm not okay at all, James is dead!
"We shouldn't have left the ship," I said, "I should have waited for his return, I should have fought beside him. I should..." my voice broke and tears formed themselves in my eyes.
"You couldn't have known about the Indians," Wendy tried.
"He stayed for us!" I bit back, "He stayed to get us off the ship and we weren't there, all because I was so stubborn to go find Danny on my own." I turned back to the three of them, breathing heavily. The pain started burning again, at the core of my chest.
"He died because of me."
"No, he didn't. Like you said, it doesn't take that long to search for people especially not in the under deck, he was trapped," Wendy replied placing her hand on my shoulder.
Trapped because of me. I shook her arm off and walked further.

Danny P.O.V.
That was all I could see, next to me lay Andrew the dead Sparrow. All the other sounds were the clicking and hissing from the spiders in Fang. Peter had taken me here after the run on the Beach.
Last night I had heard a loud boom, so loud that it sort of shook Fang a bit, all the spiders started shrieking after that. I had made myself small and silent hoping the spider couldn't smell fear.

A burst of light entered Fang, in the top of the mountain was a crater, to block any light of coming inside the mountain the spiders spun their webs over the hole. But now someone cut through it, when the person flew down I knew it was Pan.
"Hey, Danny. You'll never believe what happened last night," he said with too much enthusiasm. "No I'll never guess, so tell me," I sighed.
"I blew up The Jolly Roger."
I chocked on my own saliva and looked at the silhouette of Peter, "Y-You what?!"
"Blew up the Jol-"
"BUT WHAT ABOUT MAMA! JANE AND JO AND AUNT (Y/N)? Are-are they dead?!" I gasped.
Peter didn't react, he seemed to hold in a laugh.
"What's all the fuss all about, Danny? I defeated Captain Hook, aren't you happy for me?"
Captain Hook is dead?!
When I didn't answer he came close to me, grasping my chin and digging his dirty fingers in my cheeks.
"Well? I asked you a question, aren't you happy for me?"
I bit my lip and blinked a tear away, but his hand remained on my face and started to hurt me.
"You ask me about your family again and I'll let the spiders wrap you like a dirty bug," he hissed.

I didn't react, he chuckled nervously, "If you refuse to talk now, you may keep quiet forever."
He gagged me to keep me from talking, the filthy fabric was touching my tongue. Peter grinned, "You want to know something, I did the same thing to your aunt."
That was the drop, I pulled at the shackles but the chains holding my hands in place didn't budge. I screamed and sobbed but the sound was muffled by the cloth.
"You cry like a babe," he said.
"Please, I want my mama! Let me go," I cried behind my cloth. He opened his arms and stepped backwards until he wasn't on the rock anymore, "No, can't do." And then he soared up and out of the mountain, leaving me alone in the darkness of my cell again.
Again a wave of fear washes over me, I could hear the clicking and hissing of the spiders again.
"Mama and Jane are dead?" I whimpered.
No Bug. They didn't die, Peter is messing with you, I heard Jo's voice telling me. We'll find you. I promise you Bug. Yes, they would be here. Jo and Jane are coming to save me.

There was a sound of crumbling rocks, the hissing and clicking of the spiders became extremely loud, then I heard a faint whistle. A little tone, that I knew.
"Oh no, it looks like I'm stuck inside this mountain full of spiders," she said, her voice echoed. The hissing of the spiders had grown even louder, I felt trembling underneath me and saw hundreds of light blue and lime green dots on the wall on the opposite of me. Then I saw an orange light, it flickered and moved from left to right. The spiders were way to close to it. A silhouette blocked my view when the spiders reached the orange light.
"Danny? It's alright we're here. I'm here my love,"Mama's voice said, she took my head in her hands and kissed me on the forehead. Mama. She removed my chains and led me back on the path down, but spiders blocked the way. They were blind but the slightest of sounds and it could be our end.
"Move up," Mama breathed, "Take the path up." I tripped over a rock causing noise, the spiders turned to us and shrieked.
"Run, run, run, run," Mama panted as we raced upwards with the spiders on our heels.
"There's a way out, the top, it has an opening," I called.

We reached the top just in time, I was pulled out the darkness by someone. I barely had time to notice it was my sister when she hugged me so tightly I couldn't breath.
"Bug? Danny, you're alright? I'm never losing you again!" She sobbed. When my sister let go of me I turned to see Mama kneeling next to me. (Y/n) and Jo where there too, their faces lit up with joy.
"Good to see you again, Bug," Jo whispered with wet eyes.
"You really have the bad habit to go where you shouldn't, (Y/n)," Peter sneered behind us. Mama and Jane blocked me from the view. That's when there were spider legs coming out of the hole but it was to small for their bodies. Aunt (Y/n) didn't hesitate, she still had the torch from the diversion and pushed it on the spiders that were trying to get out. An awful shriek pierced my ears and the spider fell down among her sisters, setting fire to them.

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