Where's Jo?

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(Y/n) P.O.V.
I lay on my jacket on the ground, the river's flowing distant in my ears. It was cold everywhere except on the places where our bodies touched, I turned my head to see him with his eyes still closed. We should be making our way back to the hideout, back to Jo and the others, so I gave him a little nudge and his eyes slowly opened. We were both tired, spending half the night staring into nothing.
"We need to find the others," I chuckled.
"Do we have to?" He asked with a sight while pulling me closer to him.
"Yes we do, think of the ship who needs a captain," I said. At that his eyes were fully opened.
"Alright, let's go then."

We left the tree next to the Creek and made our way back to Peters hideout. I suddenly remembered Wendy yesterday, I thought of Jo. I hoped she was with Wendy.
We walked past the Hideout and found Wendy and Jane sleeping together in a hole in the stone. Joanne was nowhere to be seen. My heart started to beat a little faster, I went over to the City-girl shook her awake.
"Wendy? Wendy wake up, where's Jo?"
"What? What happened?" She asked a bit startled.
"Jo, where is Jo?" I asked again.
"(Y/n)...I thought she was with you, I didn't see her. After the Cave flooded Jane and I ran for the exit, I thought...oh no!" Wendy said.
Everything went a little blurry when I understood that my daughter might be drowned inside Peters hideout.

"(Y/n)?" I heard Hook ask. I didn't answer, my Joanne was dead and I hadn't been there to safe her from that fate.
"Jo..." I whispered, "She's dead, drowned..."
"Don't say that, she's alive. She got out," Hook mumbled.
I turned around, my eyes forming tears. No one could know if she was alive or not, the point was I had left her. I thought of the last time I had seen her, only the current had ripped us apart.
What if by some miracle she did survive? Where would she be then? Where was my Joanne?
"Maybe she survived the flood," I mumbled, "I have to check the cave to be sure."
"Wait, let me come with you," Wendy said, "I-I should have kept an eye on her."
I turned at the City-girl, "Wendy, I'm her mother. It is I who failed to keep her safe. I'll go alone, don't want any of you to get into any more trouble." Jane stood up, she opened her mouth ready to say something but closed it quickly again.
"Right, we'll wait here for you," Wendy said. I glanced at James, something about in his eyes told me he didn't want to let me go there by myself.

I stepped into the rocky cave, the air was still moist. Little pools of water everywhere, droplets falling from the ceiling.
"Jo?" I tried, but no one answered. I went further in and found the cave where we had seen the boys playing the day before. "Jo, where are you?" I asked again, louder this time. Panic started gnawing in me, I had lost her. What have I done? Where is she?
No! She wasn't dead! I had to keep that in mind. She got out. I walked around to all the places we had been, eventually I came back to the tunnels we had used to get out. This was where I had seen her for the last time, I should find something of hers here. I looked around, almost gave my hopes up when I saw something. It was a feather, light-brown with white streaks. My heart gave a jolt when I realized where she was.

Hook POV
(Y/n) stepped out of the cave, her expression half thinking half in shock. I looked at the state of her boots, wet up to her knees, the water was still high.
"Did you find anything?" Jane asked. (Y/n) didn't answer, she only showed us the thing she was holding in her hands.
"A feather?"
"That's not just a feather, it's an eagle's feather. There's only one place on this island where you could spot those birds," I sighed. Now I understood why she looked so worried, she had reasons to.
"You don't mean the Indians?" Wendy mumbled. (Y/n) nodded, still not saying a word. I noticed she had something else in her other hand.
"There's something else," she finally said and she lifted her other hand with Peter's panflute in it. "That's from Peter!" Jane gasped. Wendy's eyes widened, "Do you think he could have drowned in the Cave?"
"I hope so, but if he had I would have seen a body," (Y/n) said.
"Maybe the Indians took him too, you know for their rituals or something," I said.
"There's only one way to find out. We have to go to the Indians Camp."

"How do you want to go there?" Wendy gasped. We had left the Cave and were now at the border of the Fields, they looked unusually calm.
"We sneak in, free Jo and we sneak back out," Jane suggested.
"That won't work, they have eyes everywhere. We have to mix with them, that's how we got out last time...with Henry," (Y/n) said. I didn't want to think about it, but I saw his face again. His living figure changing to the bloody mess he had become after Peter had shot him, slowly turning into Sal...I shook the image away.
"The Indians aren't going to let that happen again, we need a distraction," I said.
"And how do you plan that?" Jane asked.
"I'm a thief, I can free Jo unnoticed while you do the distraction. If they see me, they'll go crazy. (Y/n) you're grown up, they won't remember you. Wendy and Jane they never saw you. You should be able to go there and keep them busy," I explained.
They all considered the plan. "You're sure they won't recognise me?" (Y/n) said softly. I nodded.
"Alright then, I think that's the best option we have," she said looking at Wendy and Jane who both nodded.
Aye, let's go rob something.

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