Striking true

80 7 3

Hook P.O.V.
Peter was grinning at me with my sword in his hand, his eyes gleamed dangerously and made him look like a madman.
I glanced over to (Y/n)'s body that lay still, I knew it was better to keep Peter busy than to go to her, God knows what he'd do if I showed even the slightest intrest in her.
When I turned my gaze back on Peter I saw him charge for me with his two swords pointing forward. I dodged the attack and stamped one of the swords out of Peter's grasp, when we made eye contact I knocked my head against his which send him backwards.
There was a cut in his brow and his nose was bleeding. Peter ignored both and jumped to my legs making me tumble over and gasped when I fell on the hook in my side. Peter moved up and put all his weight on my chest, making it harder to breath. The boy hung over me and had fire in his eyes, his dirty hand clasped my throat and squeezed it shut. I gripped his throat and dug my fingers in his flesh, we rolled over and now I put all my weight on him. Peter gasped for air but didn't let go off my throat, his other hand pushed me back.

When another lightning bolt struck the rock three foot away from us we let go and covered our ears. I took advantage of moment and went checking for (Y/n). She lay on her side and had her eyes shut, on her neck and hands there was a strange pattern. Something that looked like a fern, or a frost pattern. My fingers touched her throat, my breathing stopped when I didn't feel the pulse immediately. But it was there, incredibly weak. The sword that I had knocked away from Peter lay on the ground, I grasped it ready for Peter's next attack. I bend over her and whispered her name softly. She didn't move, I reached out to turn her over but behind me Peter roared in fury. I was quick enough to block his blow that was gonna strike me and (Y/n), I pushed him back and moved my legs against his so that he hit his head hard on the stone. I gripped (Y/n)'s shoulder and turned her over, the weird drawing went all the way over her throat down to underneath her shirt and up to her right ear.
"(Y/n)?" I panted while shaking her slightly, but she didn't budge.

"She isn't going to wake up, you fool." Peter bristled behind me, I turned around to glare at him and saw him spitting blood on the ground, he had his sword in his left hand and the right side of his face was smeared with blood, a deep cut in his jaw. But he still had a disgusting grin on his lips.
"You don't know that. You leave her out of this, she has nothing to do with our story."
"She's the very point of that story, so was Sal. Don't you see it? You brought them into this, if you had let them go, they would still be alive, everyone would still be alive," Peter said.
"NO! You killed them all for your own pleasure, Sal, Fog, Henry! ALL OF THEM! Don't blame me for your actions," I hissed.
"I'm blaming you because you're the only one to blame, I did everything to make you happy here, you decided their fate by letting me down," Peter retorted.
"How dare you? Put their death on my conscience? That's not fair at all!"

"We're past the stage of fairness, pick up your weapon and defend your damsel in distress."
I got back up locking my gaze on Peter, my sword was dangling in my left hand my right arm still stuck in my side. I set my feet right and gave (Y/n) one last eye before plunging into a fight against my arch rival.
The sound of steel against steel and thunder was all I could hear, all I could see were Peters blazing green eyes and the bright flashes of lightning. I was focused on every move he made, everything that happened around us. He moved quickly and struck to unexpected places.

Is this all that he remembered from our many duels?
"Did you know you're really bad at sparring?" I asked him.
"I don't care, I know that the pointy end has to end up in someone," Peter replied.
Another bolt struck blinded me, in that moment Peter managed to disarm me, he took my sword again and pointed them at me. They were crossing and inches away from my throat, he pushed them in a way that forced me to go down. Peter retrieved the swords and threw mine away from me. Just when I wanted to crawl away and take something else for a weapon, Peter plunged his sword through my foot into a crack underneath.

I roared in agony, a little pool of blood formed itself under my foot. The pain was so intense that I feared I would pass out, but I stayed conscious, my foot throbbed and send waves of pain through my entire leg.
I was pinned to the mountain top. Peter took my sword again in his hand and smiled down at me. He crouched and slid my blade under my chin and tilted my head slightly back, his dirty fingers wiped away the tear that was rolling down my cheek, but I didn't budge when he did.
"Oh, come on now Jamie, you don't have to cry."
I glared at him and clenched my jaw.
"It will be over soon," Peter continued.
You knew this day would arrive, it is him or you. You helped (Y/n) to find her nephew and her daughter. You helped her all those years ago. You found someone who cared about you.
Yes, I did indeed. Peter got back up and gripped the blade tighter. I braced myself for the stab when Peter brought his right arm up.

Then a bright flash of white and light purple flashed before me. I heard a horrible screech and the deafening thunder above me. When I dared to open my eyes I saw Peter lying face down on the stone ground. His body was smoking and the smell of burned flesh hung in the air. I moved to look at the boy but winced because of the sword who was still stuck in my foot. So I pulled it out with a clenched jaw and a grunt. When I turned Peter over his eyes were wide open and red rimmed, the green of his eyes was sparkling, his mouth was open in a scream and all over his face I saw the same markings as (Y/n)'s. His chest wasn't rising, I checked his pulse but it wasn't there.
Peter is dead...

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