Don't Leave

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Joanne P.O.V.
I was still waiting with Wendy, Bug and Jane at the foot of Fang. Mom and Peter were still fighting, I didn't like that idea and with the thunderstorm I didn't like that idea at all. The lightning had hit the top several times, I could only hope mom was alright. Suddenly the thunderstorm stopped, a grey sky remained and a drizzle started, we were plunged in a deep fog. I had stopped thinking it could be weird that the weather changed this quickly, I was in Neverland after all...huge neon spiders and mermaids existed so why not weird weather?
Shortly after we saw a silhouette emerging from the mist.
"Wendy, Jane! Look it'" I didn't know what I was seeing, there were two people. Someone was carrying someone else over their shoulder. When the two people were closer my jaw dropped.
"It's Hook," I whispered.
"What?" Jane asked in disbelief but when she saw what I was seeing her jaw dropped too.

Hook was down the mountain and limped with mom hanging over his shoulder, his right at his side on a dark stained spot. Something was wrong, mom wasn't moving at all and she was all red on her throat.
"Mom?" I whimpered. When Hook reached us he lay down my mom in the most gentle way possible. He placed two fingers on her wrist, "No, no, no. It was there, it was right there," he half panted half muttered to himself. I was too shocked to react, Mom was not moving, the Captain was back from the dead, Peter was not here either. I didn't know what was happening.
Hook looked at Mom and then started pushing on her chest. I noticed why he didn't use his right arm to help himself, the hook was stuck in his side, if he retrieved it he would probably bleed to death. Hook pushed harder on mom's chest but there was no reaction.
She isn't waking up! What are those markings on her neck and hands? What happened up there? Where's Peter? The questions kept coming, I could only stare at the motionless body of my mother. Hook pushed harder and stopped to breath air into her lungs from time to time. Mom, come back. Come back for me. Wake up. Wake up wake up wake up.
"Come on, don't leave, stay with us," he kept mumbling. When there was no reaction I knelt beside him, ready to help if he needed it.

"Jo, keep her nose shut until I say otherwise," he ordered softly. I did as he told and watched him pushed harder on my mother's chest.
"God damn it (Y/n)! We won, don't leave now!" He panted, banging harder on her chest. I thought I could hear a rib break but he didn't seem to care about that, he moved back to her mouth to breath more air into her lungs.
"Please, I'm begging you. Don't leave us," he whispered against her lips. Mom didn't react.
"No, no, no stay! STAY!" Hook pushed back on her chest and when he slammed his fist so hard that I really could hear another rib break, moms eyes flew open and she gasped for air. I felt a wave of relief washing over me.
Mom looked around her with wide eyes and breathed fast, Hook took her shoulder and hushed her.

"It's alright, you're back."
"Joanne? Where...? Peter?"
"I'm here mom," I said softly.
"Peter is dead, we won," Hook explained calmly, though his face was trying to hide the pain he felt form his own wounds.
Peter is dead?! I felt weird to hear it, even though I wanted nothing more than that bastard dead, it felt weird to have him dead.

Mom wanted to sit straight but Hook shook his head, "Wait a bit more, if you stand up now you're going to fall back down."
I looked at my moms markings, they curled up around her right ear and split themselves from the one on her throat to disappear underneath her shirt. She had a marking that curled on her left hand and went up her entire arm. It was pretty cool.

Wendy had helped the Captain retrieve his hook from his side -without bleeding to death due to another miracle- and made a makeshift compress to stop the bleeding, he still needed stitches but it was something to temporarily. Hook didn't stop looking at mom, worry flashing in his eyes every ten seconds.
"Thank you," I mumbled to him when Wendy was done, "Thank you for bringing her back."
Hook turned his glance towards me, a soft smile at his lips, "I'm just repaying a debt," he said simply. I imagine he was referring to the time mom had saved him. "How did you even survive the explosion? We felt the blow even on the shore," I asked.
"A miracle I believe, I remember being on the yard and seeing the Jolly on fire below me. And then next I woke up on a plank, I figured that the jolly blew up," Hook explained but I could see the pain of the loss in his eyes. I mean I don't know what it feels like to lose a ship, I guess it's the same as seeing your house getting burned down.

I looked at him in awe, he was talking about it like it was an everyday thing. The guy just survived an explosion, a freaking explosion! And an epic fight with a demon flying boy.
"We should get back to the crew, they were waiting for us, building rafters," mom mumbled with wry voice.

Hook looked at her, concern glimmered in his eyes. He moved over to give her his left hand and pulled her up. Mom sunk through her knees.
"(Y/n)... you can't-" Wendy began
"We have to get moving, otherwise we'll be stuck here at night and we don't want that," mom cut her. Wendy looked at the ground and took Danny and Jane closer to her side.
Mom tried to walk with Hook there to support her but mom kept sinking through her knees. The Captain didn't hesitate any longer, he took her arm and swung it around his neck, he supported her during the entire walk without complaining . We arrived at the Tree, all the pirates were gathered around a little fire where they were roasting four sparrows. They all looked up when we appeared, "And did you find the-" Mr. Smee stopped his phrase when he saw Hook with mom in his arms.
"Cap'n! Wha-how? How in the blazes, HOW?!" He baffled.
"Luck," Hook answered. All the other crew members looked as if they had seen a ghost.
"And you found the children," Smee murmured to my mom. Mom nodded and glance at me.

"Well if this ain't a surprise, only that flying kid left to deal with and then we're completely free," Starkey sighed.
"No need to fuss about Peter," Hook said.
"He died," mom filled. There was a dead silence, no one believed it.
That night we talked about how Hook survived the explosion and how we defeated Peter.
I looked at my mom who was still a bit in stage of shock. I mean, she was dead.
Jane, Danny and I went sleeping when the crew started singing sea shanties.
It was finally over.

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