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Sunday, January 25, 2006 (4 months later)

The days have gone by slowly since the Cullens left. Classes have been boring with out Emmett's constant teasing or Alice's talkative personality. I missed Edward teasing me about my thoughts and Rosalie demanding that I get a better fashion sense. I also miss Carlisle and Esme treating me like their child and giving me advise as well as their cooking. But, I mostly missed Jasper.

After school I would head to a bakery and buy myself something to cheer me up. After a good while just sitting the bakery eating I'd go back home and participate in patrol with the pack. I wasn't the best I've ever been but I'm better than Bella. She's been like a zombie since the Cullens left, only doing the bare minimum to survive. Since the Cullens left I've gotten emails from Alice and a weekly calls from Jasper, just as he'd promised to do.

I've began switching between sleeping at Sam's and the Black's. Once a week though I do sleep at the Cullens house after cleaning the place up. I hold a grain of hope that they'd return to Forks. Bella starting to get better though, she bought two bikes for her and Jacob to fix up about a week ago. It's brought the two of them closer together and both of them seem happier.

"Alex, are you coming or not?" I threw my blankets farther over my head as I groaned loudly.

"Alex, you need to leave your room."

"I was at your place yesterday."

"Only because you were on patrol watching out for other vampires and Emily insisted you ate something other than Oreo's." My quilt was ripped off my body and I was pulled from my mattress by Sam.

"I'm not giving you a choice now, you're coming cliff diving." I would fight with Sam but it would be a lying if I said that I didn't want to go.

"Can I at least change into a something other than fleece pyjamas?" Sam placed me down and left my room so I could change.

I grabbed a pair of spandex shorts and an old black bikini top. It was just Paul, Jared, and Embry, who phased for the first time a couple days ago, going cliff diving with us. I got to watch as Jared and Paul wrestled with Embry near the edge of the cliff trying to get him in the water.

"Come on Embry, it's not that bad once you hit the water." I leaned against a tree beside Sam as Jared and Paul continued to wrestle with Embry.

"What about the 100 feet between here and the water?"

"It's actually 164 feet, but that doesn't matter, if you close your eyes or scream its not so bad. I'll show you." I kicked my shoes off before running to the edge and jumped.

"What's my score boys?!" I pushed back my wet hair from from eyes as I used my hand to block the sun from my eyes.

"10/10, Alex!" I laughed as I leaned back and let myself float around.

Embry carefully looked over the edge, probably to make sure I was still alive, before the others pushed him off. I was soaked a couple seconds later when Sam, Jared, and Paul jumped off right after Embry. We all swam around for the most part till we felt it was time to leave and head back to the Rez. It was a short day but it was nice to get away from my bed.

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