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Friday, September 16, 2005

"Charlie, slow down. I'll get the boys together to look in the forest. We'll find Bella and get her home." I rubbed my eyes as I walked into the kitchen.

"What's going on Billy?"

"Bella's missing. I'll get Harry and Jacob to the Swans, get Sam and go look in the forest for her." I nodded nodded as I helped Billy into his wheelchair so he could wake Jacob up.

I ran out of the house in nothing but my spandex shorts and my tank top. I ran towards Sam's house and knocked obnoxiously.

"What?!" As I looked up at Sam I knew that he was hearing my thoughts.

"Let's go." I nodded and phased right away.

"She can't be far from her house." I kept my nose to the sky as I tried to smell Bella out.

It was early in the morning when Sam and I finally found Bella in a comatose state. She was on the forest floor a mile or two south of her house. She must have tried to run after Edward, today was meant to be the day that the Cullens chose to leave. Sam and I phased back and picked Bella up.

"Charlie!" I waved my hand as we broke through the line of the forest.

"She's okay." Charlie rushed over to Sam and took Bella from his arms.

"Thank you." I smiled and pat Charlie on the back as he ran Bella into the house before coming out and thanking everyone.

"Why was she even out there?" Sam wrapped his arm over my shoulder as we walked back into the forest.

"Edward probably told her that they were leaving Forks. The Cullens, I mean. It was getting dangerous for them here."

"Wait, Jasper left you?"

"The Cullens, not just Jasper. It's for their safety anyways, and as his mate, his safety is more important to me than my happiness." I gave Sam a weak smile as I leaned into his side.

"How about you spend the night with Emily and I? She has ice cream in the freezer and tons of those cheesy romance movies. I'm sure I can convince Billy to let you have the week off."

"Sam, I'm fine."

"Your thoughts say otherwise, you're in pain without your mate." Sam kissed my head before swiping me off my feet and ran the rest of the way to his place.

"Emily, we have a code Cyclamen." Emily ran down the stairs and immediately opened the freezer as Sam set me onto the couch.

"You have a code system, and it's based on flowers?"

"It was Emily's idea, she thinks of you as a daughter." Sam wrapped me in a large plaid blanket before Emily handed me a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon.

"What does code Cyclamen mean?"

"It means break up or heart break." I popped open the tub and took a large bite of the green ice cream.

I put the tub down and jumped over the back of the couch catching the both of them by surprise as I wrapped my arms around them in a hug.

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