Camp Half-Blood

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He opened his eyes again and was met with the blinding sun. He couldn't remember much that happened, and he didn't know where he was. He sat up and looked around. There were beds all around lined up on the walls beside each bed there were cabinets filled with supplies that Emris couldn't name. There was a doorway with a curtain drawn over it on the other end of the room.

He jumped off the bed and made his way towards the doorway. He lifted the curtain out of the way and walked into the hallway. He continued through the house until he got to -what he assumed- was the front door. He was almost to the handle when he heard voices.

"You were asked to bring Zeus's daughter but instead you got her killed and brought not one, not two, but THREE useless demigods here instead." A voice Emris did not recognize said.

"But-" Even with one word Emris could recognize this voice. It was Grover.

"Did I ask you to speak?" The unrecognizable voice said. "Don't answer that."

"Don't you think you're being harsh Mr. D? " A new voice. It was calm.

"I think not! It was such an easy task, Chiron! I could probably send a newborn child and they would still do a better job!!" Mr. D? Said.

"He is still a young satyr and he was tasked with such an important role." The calm voice said.

"It does not matter! He still failed, miserably!" Mr. D shouted.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Grover mumbled.

"Yes, it is!!" Mr. D called out.

"Grover, it is not your fault. You were traveling with 4 demigods, they would attract monsters either way. You are not going to be punished but know this, you have one more chance. Why don't you go get the new campers and tell them to report here?" The calm voice said.

"Thank you, Chiron! And I will go get them!" Grover cheered.

Emris could hear the sound of hooves clunk against the wood floor followed by Grover's shouts for the campers.

"What are we going to do with him?" Mr. D asked. "You know Zeus won't like this even though he was able to turn her into a tree."

"We will deal with that later. Right now we have to speak to the three who knew her and find out their sides of the story." Chiron answered.

"Well, we can start with the little rat that had been eavesdropping." Mr. D said, turning to look in the direction of the front door.

Emris immediately backed away from the door, tripping over a loose floorboard, and fell over with a thud.

"Oh no! I scared the child." Mr. D said in an uncaring tone.

"Child, It is safe to come out now. No one will hurt you." Chiron said ignoring Mr. D

Emris slowly got up and crept towards the door once again but this time he opened it and stepped outside. He looked towards where he thought the voices came from and was surprised at what he saw. Mr. D had watery blue eyes that glared at him. His hair was a really dark black that rivaled Emris's already dark hair. He was wearing a colorful Hawaiian shirt with long pink socks that reached his knees. He also had knee-high shorts on. The shorts were neon orange. Emirs had to stop himself from gagging at the hideous outfit.

On the other hand, Chiron didn't look too bad. He also had blue eyes but Chiron was smiling at him. He was wearing a brown tweed vest on top of a white undershirt. Emris couldn't see the bottom half of his body from where he stood. So, Emris walked out of the doorway and made his way over to where they were sitting.

He stood in front of them awkwardly and played with his hands, not knowing what to do with them. They were both staring at him, analyzing him. It went on for a moment longer before someone cleared their throat behind Emris. He turned around to see who they were. Annabeth and Luke. Emris's eyes widened but before he could do anything Annabeth tackled him in a hug.

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