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 Someone was stabbing their finger into my side. Again. I sighed.

You deserve it. Crow said.

I thought I told you we aren't speaking anymore?

But that was Yesterday?

It doesn't matter. You can speak to me once I forgive you.


No buts, now be quiet.

I went to swat away the hand that was STILL poking me but they were able to move their hand away in time. I swear I will kill whoever is doing this, they will never see the light of day again, I will kill them in the most gruesome way possible, they will beg for their life and I WILL LAUGH.

I opened my eyes to Percy preparing to stab me with his finger again.

And let me tell you I WAS SHOCKED. I was so shocked that I gasped when I opened my eyes. Percy was supposed to be on my side. He was supposed to be my new best friend but he betrayed me. I can't trust anyone anymore, my life is ruined.

"If you're done pitying yourself, Grover and Annabeth are already on their way to a diner cause' they're hungry," Percy said, standing up.

Never mind, I could continue being sad after I eat.

We caught up with Annabeth and Grover quickly and we walked at least less than half a mile to a diner called "Pete's Kitchen" (Who is Pete? We'll never know)

Once we walked in, the lady at the counter gave us a look that I couldn't pinpoint between disgust or confusion. I didn't blame her though, none of us showered since Camp-Half Blood and I was also sure that we looked homeless. We all sat down at one of the booths near a window in the back of the diner.

We didn't have enough money to buy a full meal for each one of us so the next 10 minutes were full of us arguing about what to get.

"It would make sense just to get one big basket of fries! That way everyone could share!"

"I would be fine with that but I know you would put salt all over them and I hate salt!"

"Yea! Salty tinfoil isn't very tasty!"

"What if we got a dessert? Like Blueberry pie?"

"We are not wasting our money on a pie!"

"We could get one of those big meals, y'know with the burger, fries, and the milkshake?"

"We all can't share one burger though!"

"Maybe we could do those puppy eyes on them, and they'd give us a pity hotdog?"

And that's what we did.

The plan was simple, Annabeth would wave a waiter over and she would order the food. Percy would pretend to look like he was starving to death (which he was, so his job was easy.) Grover would act like he had a disability like he did when he and Percy went to the same school (I made a mental note to ask them about that later.) And I, ME, MYSELF, would be the one who had to do the puppy eyes.

Everything went according to plan (if you leave out the part where the waiter looked as if they were going to sob when he saw my puppy eyes) and we got our food and started eating.

Annabeth got the burger.

"Since you put me through the embarrassment of ordering food, I should get the burger!"

Percy got the pity hotdog.

"I saved Emris and that took a lot of work so I should get the hotdog!"

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