Los Angeles

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"-and that's why we were freaking out about you sleeping because we thought you died." Annabeth finished explaining.

"So, it's been 5 days because the Lotus Hotel is home to the lotus-eaters?" I repeated.


"And when you enter the place things pop up to make you stay there?"


"Without being able to track time?"


"At all?"


I looked over at Percy who was sitting next to me laying on the window of the taxi. He lifted his head and nodded.


Silence filled the taxi.

It had been Annabeth's idea to take a taxi. She had pushed all of us into the back seat and told the driver, "Los Angeles."

He had been skeptical about it at first but when Annabeth had put her green LotusCash card, his eyes widened and he started driving so fast I was flung back in my seat.

I laid my head on Percy's shoulder feeling tired, even though I apparently had been sleeping for 5 days.

HEY EMRIS! EM! EM! ARE YOU DEAD??? Crow screamed in my head.

WHY ARE YOU YELLING? I yelled back.


Can you be quiet? I asked.

No! I've been so sad! I had no one to talk to! Why didn't you answer me?

Well, I fell asleep for 5 days so I couldn't really talk to anyone.


I decided not to talk to him anymore because for some reason it was causing me a major headache. I felt someone rest their head on top of mine but I was already falling asleep.


"E? Hey, wake up." Grover's voice is what dragged me out of my peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes and rubbed all the sleep crust off of them. Then they were blinded again when the sun shined right into my face... Gods, I hate the sun. I sat up and got out of the taxi with the help of Grover, who wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me up.

"Where's Annabeth and Percy?" I asked him as the taxi drove away.

"They went to find a place to eat." He answered.

We started to walk along the boardwalk of the beach talking as we walked. We passed carnival rides and other beach merch that I would rather die than buy. Little kids played in the water at the shore while Surfer dudes stood farther in. I was about to look away from the beach when I saw Percy pop out of the water, completely dry.

"I thought you said Percy and Annabeth went to get food." I frowned.

"They are." He said.

"Then explain that," I said while pointing in their direction.

He turned his head where I was pointing and he looked confused too. We started walking again but this time towards the two of them. Percy was laying on the sand explaining something to Annabeth who held something in her hand.

"Hey! Didn't you say you were gonna find food?" Grover asked once we were in hearing distance.

The two turned their heads towards us and Annabeth called out, " We were but then Percy decided to take a swim!"

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