Capture the Flag... kinda

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First-person Emris: (HAHA didn't expect that? I didn't)

I didn't know what Luke meant when he said to wait until dinner. I mean it was kinda weird that they summoned a bunch of demigods with a blow of the horn, and that the campers were separated from each other, and that I had to throw my mac and cheese into a fire because the god's thought it smelt nice, and that the Ares and Athena tables seemed to be glaring at each other as if they all personally offend each other on a spiritual level. Never mind...  dinner was weird.

    "Hey, Emris!" The voice startled me out of my thoughts. I looked around and noticed that the Dining Pavilion was deserted except for Elina, who seemed to be waiting for someone.

    "Where did everyone go?" I asked her.

    "While you were daydreaming, everyone left to get set up to capture the flag! We gotta go catch up with them!" Elina said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the Armory.

    I'm so confused. Nobody told me about Capture the Flag! This is probably what Luke meant when he said to wait until Dinner. Well after dinner. I frowned, is this why dinner was so tense? Is it some kinda cabin vs cabin thing? Why is Annabeth running them at full speed?

    "EM!!! Save me! Leon is chasing me!!" She screamed.

    Well, that's why.

    "Annabeth!!! I told you, Chiron said you can't play!!! Come back here!!" Leon -in question- said. She had her hands outstretched in front of her, trying to grab Annabeth.

    And like the good friend I pride myself to be, I ignored her.

    Elina continued walking toward the armory and I followed. There were dozens of campers outside, testing swords out, filling quivers, throwing shields at people?

    "So Emris, What weapons are you good at using, Swords, Daggers, Bows, other random objects that could be used to kill someone?" Elina asked me.

    "Well I'm not so good with swords, they feel heavy for no reason. I suck at using a bow. So I think daggers would word.'' I said.

    "Alright, we could work with that! Since you're so short you can attack everyone's ankles!!"

    "I'm going to take that as a compliment."

    We begin to weave around the people outside, avoiding swords, ducking under arrows, and dodging shields? Seriously, who is throwing those?????

    By the time we got inside the armory, there was barely anything left. The racks -where I assumed the bows went- were empty. The stands had little to barely any armor left.  All that was left was a barrel in the back of the room that looked unfilled.

    "I hope nobody took them..." Elina sighed, trailing off making her way toward the barrel.

    "There is nothing left to take." I deadpanned.

    "Yeah well, when you've been here as long as me you know where nobody else will look." She replied, moving the barrel to the side.

    She lifted a floorboard and pulled out a box and set it next to her. She opened the box and brought out two celestial bronze daggers. (Yeah, that's right! I know my daggers!) She stood up and walked over to me holding out the daggers for me to grab.

    "Wait, are these for me?" I asked her, shocked. I thought she would use them for herself.

    "No, they're for the neighbors." She said blankly.


    "Of course they're for you!!"


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