Noodle Arms

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I looked down and saw the panicked faces of Six and Seven, as well as the janitor heading towards the drawers we were on. I climbed up and began pushing a basket full of stuff, which I was too panicked to examine. As I had the basket halfway pushed, Six and Seven had begun pushing as well. Pushing the stuff revealed an opening, which I let the two children go into first. I looked back one last time, seeing a hand creep up before quickly crawling into the vent.

"You don't seem like you're new here, you remained fairly calm in a moment of danger." Seven stated. "Six told me earlier that you met her a few minutes after coming here."

"I guess I'm naturally calm then." I replied.

After our short conversation in the vents, we came into a room where the janitor was... climbing up? It appeared to be a route where only he could go, but there was also a door. We pushed the door, knocking a grandfather clock over. The janitor appeared out of an opening near the ceiling, coming to inspect the source of noise.

I remained calm, knowing that the broken clock was about to malfunction and create a nearly deafening noise. When the fallen clock erupted with noise, the janitor covered his ears, allowing us to run without him hearing us. I counted in my head as soon as the clock began making noise, and I stopped the 3 of us right before the clock went silent.

"Aauugh, what the actual fuck." The janitor muttered. As the clock went silent.

During the moment of silence, i slowly picked up a shoe that was next to us, and threw it at the button just as the clock was being loyd again. The janitor didn't seem to notice us running into the next room. This room appeared to be a library, with tall shelves of books.

We ran as the janitor rushed after us. I wasn't quite sure how he knew to follow, but this happened in the game as well so I wasn't surprised. We squeezed through a door after a couple turns, finding what appeared to be a library.

We climbed the bookshelf, reaching a hanging piano which we used as a platform to reach a high shelf. As we neared the top, I saw the janitor coming down to that level. I STILL wasn't sure how he got there. I saw a crank handle slot, and knew exactly what to do. Walking into another library section, we began to climb the nearest shelf to reach a safer area to walk.

We went across on a plank connecting bookshelves, watching the janitor walking beneath us and carefully moving toys that were in our path. Seeing a candle in a reachable spot, i lit it. As we walked on another shelf bridge, we saw the janitor searching on the previous plank for us. The other children were equally as scared as I was, and Six was gripping my hand hard, not letting go. I saw a music box similar to her old one, considered bringing it, but I changed my mind because I didn't have big enough pockets.

Seven noticed the place I was leading them to, and began walking faster, but at a slow rate still. Once we got to the end of the room, we climbed some books to get into a hole in the wall. Seven and I helped get Six up first, then Seven went up, then I went last.

There was a crank on the ground, which Seven picked up eagerly. I noticed the television, with a large power button and a barely noticeable volume adjustment knob. I turned the knob down all the way, and then hit the button. As expected, there was 2 images switching back and forth of what appeared to be family friendly content.

Out of nowhere, the image of a door at the end of a corridor flashed, along with the image of a small boy in a trench coat sitting in an adult sized chair. The screen then cut to what would normally be playing.

I turned to see Six sitting in the corner, like she didn't want to look at Mono. Eventually, the screen went back the what it usually played.

Once Mono was not on the screen anymore, I explained my plan.
"The television is back to normal, I'm going to turn the volume to maximum, and wait for the janitor. When he opens the door, we come out after he comes in, and we'll run until we hear the television turn off, got it?"
The two nodded simultaneously.

I walked over to the television, and violently twisted the small volume knob. The loud boom of noise scared me, even though I was fully expecting it. This was DEFINITELY louder that it was originally, it was literally ear rape listening to it. I quickly tip toed to the corner with the other 2 children, just as the janitor opened the door.

"The fuck? Who turned this shit on!?" He growled as he walked over to the television and searched for the power button. I ran with the other 2, carrying the the crank handle with us. I suddenly heard silence as the television was turned off. I stumbled and fell, tripping Six as well. I thought we were gonna make noise, I began freaking out.

"FUCKING FINALLY!" The janitor yelled after turning off the television. His shout drowned out the sound of 2 small children falling over. Unfortunately, the floor creaked loudly as Seven picked up the crank. We ran until we reached the slot, where we inserted the triangular portion of the crank and turned it frantically. The strength of 3 kids was more than enough to pull the piano upwards.

Using the piano as a platform again, we make it across to a vent. I allowed the other 2 to go in first so that I can watch behind us, then I went in after them.

"Who was that in the television?" Asked Seven.
"Someone Six has met, that's for sure." I answered.

We crawled into a room with tracks, a cart, and a punctured pipe. We didn't need the cart since there was now 3 of us rather than just Six. At the end, the other 2 lifted me up to the door handle. I chose to do this because I knew there was a gap behind the door.

As I expected, there was a broken floor beneath me as the door swung open. I hopped down to the little bit of remaining floor as the other two walked on the edge following me.

The next room was a corridor with... a track? Suddenly, a door opened near us, and I saw a long arm poke out. I began running as fast as my little legs could push against the ground, the other 2 did the same. As we entered the next room, it's top closing door partially crushed the cage in it's way, allowing the janitor's arms to come through.

"You two climb up, I know what to do." I told them. They quickly climbed up, knowing I was likely right.

I hopped over his arms, and pulled a cage bar out, causing the door to come lower. I backed away just in time for him not to grab me. A moment later, his hand crept up towards where Six was standing. I flicked my knife open and slashed at the hand, the deformations in the edge ripped the flesh like a saw.

"YJSHDHDGDJSGEFAFWHIWLSJAAAAAAAUUUUGGHHHH!!!!!!" The janitor screamed. I quickly stepped out of the way of his other hand, then ran back to the cage. Seven came down with me to pull another cage bar.

The door came down, crushing the cage and ripping the janitor's arms off.

"YETSTKEUEHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed. I quickly backed up, looking at what we did. Blood poured out of the arms, painting the floor with red. It was pretty nasty to look at. Out of habit, I took out a cigarette and began smoking almost too quickly. I began coughing due to the smoke, causing blood with a bit of tar to come up.

Seven just looked at me with concern.

I looked at the blade of my knife, the fresh blood on it starting to dry. There was also previously dried blood and leech slime on it, I used a bit of sanitizer on a tissue to wipe it off. I managed to get the blade clean again, with no issues other than being a bit loose with minor edge deformation. I put it away, and looked up to see a hatch knocked opened by the force of the door behind us.

How long has it been since I released a chapter? (Not including A/N) I certainly hope you all enjoyed this new chapter. I already have an idea for the next one.

Edited November 28, 2022 for consistency

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