(Epilogue) Life Gets A Little Better

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I don't know what the fuck I wrote, I couldn't think of any better. Let me know if you find this interesting, cringy, or if I got something incorrect about distillation equipment or gardening.

Mono POV

Y/n fizzed away into static in the air, and I was alone with Six and Seven.

"So, can we stay here or do we occupy another townhouse?" Seven asked.

"You can stay if you'd like," I answered, "And besides, I also haven't had any company in a while."

"Fair, and I guess it would be easier together." Seven said.

I heard a gentle rumble, and I looked over to see Six clutching her stomach. She was hungry, but not in pain this time.

I noticed a can on the ground where y/n previously stood, I remembered he DID stuff a can of product into his bag while in the maw's pantry, maybe it just remained behind since its from this world and not his.

I picked up the can, and took it to the kitchen, eyeing the drawers for a can opener. When I opened the can, I found it was full of stew.

"Six, you want some cold stew?" I called out, she walked over and peeked into the can.

"Sure, I haven't had actual food in a while." She said, "Seven, you want a little bit too?"

Seven nodded and came over as well, I just stood beside them as they had their first proper(ish) meal in a while.

3 months later

It was my turn to make soup for dinner again, I promised this time that I'd use a smaller amount of salt.

"Soup's done!" I yelled, and the other two came and scooped out their servings.

"Mmm, you went light on the salt this time." Six commented.

Ive found that Six doesn't like excessively salty things, while Seven has quite a tolerance for it, though he still doesn't like too much of it. They are the opposite when it comes to sweets.

They each also have their own set of skills, which I'm guessing were acquired from their experiences. Seven is good with any technology he gets his hands on, and quickly gets proficient to the point where things just feel like an extra limb. Six, on the other hand, learned to scavenge, and has a good eye for useful items.

They both finished their serving of soup within a few minutes, and began scrubbing the bowls with a bit of water. Along with their skills, they also learned to use water and other resources sparingly, and the soup isn't oily or sticky so we hardly needed to use soap, which would often require an additional bit of water to rinse off.

I scooped a serving of soup and turned on the radio, hoping for something exciting to be received.


"I'm going out to collect more water!" I yelled to Mono and Seven, before heading out with a pull cart, and two buckets, one as tall as me. The most plentiful kind of water around here was seawater, but Mono found some distilling equipment in the school's chemistry closets, which he made sure to clean carefully to make sure no traces of chemicals remained, if there were any at all. Either he did a good job or there weren't particularly harmful chemicals to begin with, since I've drank the water distilled through it and I'm still alive.

It took me about ten minutes to fill the large bucket completely with the salty water, and another twenty to haul it back to the townhouse, good thing it's not uphill.

Seven POV

Six came back in huffing and puffing, seemingly more exhausted than other days.

"Collected extra seawater this time, supply should last a bit longer." She said, taking breaths in between words.

"Nice," I said, "Maybe I should take your place the next time, if this is tiring you out."

"Sure, I could use a break." She replied.

I filled up a large round flask, and began the distillation. I only put a quarter liter of water into the flask, but each of us were tiny and each only needed a small amount of water, the bucket as tall as Six held only four liters, and our soup pot was just a small diameter saucepan.

Over time, hot clean water dripped out the other end where it was collected in a glass jar, which was swapped when it had filled up completely, and repeat. If I refilled the hot beaker, it would crack from the sudden temperature change, and I previously learned that the hard way. Instead, i just filled another beaker and swapped it with the hot one.

If there was barely any contaminant in the remaining salt, we'd use it for cooking, but we'd discard dirty salt, and the remaining salt was usually quite dirty. As for the water, it tastes... bland.

Another 2 months later
Mono POV

It's only been 5 months but I'm already bored, every day is the same routine, there aren't any other people to interact with, and this place is nearly lifeless. Fortunately, I still have connection to the real world if I'm in the tower, perhaps I can find something to scratch my itch.

Teleporting to the tower was a bit rough, seems like I'd gotten rusty with my powers. I peered into the true reality, I saw thriving cities, and millions of people living their lives. Though not completely full of excitement, life there looked promising, better than having to distill your own drinking water.

The hardest part would be making documents, and since we're kids it's going to be more of a hassle since we don't have any adults coming with us to be a legal guardian.


I could hardly contain my excitement when flowers began blooming from our berry bushes. All we've had in the past few months was soup and any canned stuff we found. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything, I just wanted to try something else too.

I found a book last month about gardening, in the book I learned that lots of fruit plants grow flowers before bearing fruit, and they had illustrations of different leaves I could use to identify the plants. It's been a while since I've genuinely enjoyed something.

Now that I think about it, I think I remember a rundown shop in the city that used to sell seed packets. I don't know how long those seeds have been there, but I hope they're still viable.

Seven POV

About a week ago I found a sewing machine while searching in some rundown shops. Of all the things I've imagined myself getting into, I never thought I'd enjoy sewing. And that same rundown shop had sewing supplies too, I guess I'll single handedly empty what remains on their shelves.

Five hours later,
Mono POV

Fuck it, this is too hard, I guess I'm staying here. I teleported back to the townhouse, and saw Six humming to herself as she just sat on the porch, next to her potted berry bushes, reading the gardening book she found. Seven was in his room making more... things with his sewing machine. From the looks of it, this world might be enough after all, maybe I just need to find something I'd enjoy.

I could still change my mind though...

And that wraps up nearly 2 years of writing this fic, I started in late 8th grade when I was really into Little Nightmares, and now I'm in 10th grade, mostly just trying not to abandon something I started.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I may or may not do another one of these.

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