Kitchen continued

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We found ourselves coming into a storage room, adjacent to a room with an elevator. I recognized this room and eyed a box that we could fit in, if there was only two of us. I stood there, thinking of how to conceal all three.

"Is there something we should know? You look concerned."

I glance to my side to see seven looking at me, and realized I had been staring blankly for a moment.

"Oh I just do that sometimes, don't worry." I awkwardly replied. "Get in that box tho."

"Wait why?" Seven asked.

"You'll see." I said, as my adrenaline began pumping.

I walked to the elevator, as Six and Seven crawled into the box together.

I noticed a locked door near the elevator, and assumed I would need to look for a key.

I raised my hand to the elevator button, my heart beating audibly. I pressed it and took a few steps back. As I heard the elevator coming down, I hurried back, hearing footsteps follow. I hid behind the boxes that the other two were in, circling around to avoid the chef.

"Where do I put this... uhh... I'll put it in my pocket, the guests don't seem to care anyways.

When he passed to gather some meat, I silently gestured them to follow, and hurried to the elevator. I heard a noise after pressing the button, so I knew we still needed to hide. Luckily, I knew exactly where.

When the elevator reached up, we hurried out and into a vent in the wall. I was the first to go in, meaning i was in the back, which also meant I couldn't exactly see what was going on outside the vent. I only knew the chef had passed by when Six gestured Seven to crawl out.

After crawling out I remembered what we needed to do in this area. The key to the door below was on the table, the same table that the chef was chopping meat at.

"You two stay here, I'm getting that key, although it might take some time." I told them.

"Alone?" Seven asked.

"Well, it's easier to remain quiet if it's only one going, and I'd rather not live with the memory of one of you getting caught.

"We went with you multiple times though, and we didn't get caught."

"Well, this time is different as there isn't another room on the other side, so there is no point in you following me."

Seven didn't have an argument against that.

I snuck past the chef, hiding in the cabinets as he turned back and forth, until I made it to the meat shredder, or grinder, whatever this machine was called. Immediately after pushing the button, I went to the opening and crawled through as the chef entered the room.

Wasting as little time as I could, I hastily climbed the table for the key and bolted for to the adjacent room where Six and Seven were. As I slowed myself down I began coughing, and it was noticeably worse this time.

"Uhh you ok??" Seven asked in slight panic.

"Yeah im fine, *cough* hold on".

I searched my bag to see if i had cough drops or water to hydrate with. I took a cough drop, although I didn't have a beverage available. Seven glanced over in curiosity as he stepped into the elevator where Six was waiting. I shortly stepped in, dragging the key with me.

At the lower floor I hastily shoved the key into the lock and twisted, and pushed the door open. I opened the trash chute as I heard the elevator heading back down, and hurried the other two in before dropping down. Into the dark garbage dump reeking of unpleasant stenches.

I turned on my lighter so I could see better, and saw Six smashing a lady statue, sending sparkly dust into the air. I then followed Seven into a drainage tunnel, where the sound of water running and scrubbing became louder and clearer the further I crawled. I found an opening that was next to a shelf of pots and pans, then kept going until I got to the opening by the sink.

The two chefs were scrubbing and rinsing plates from a large stack, which seemed like exhausting labor, especially when you know how many are feasting later.

"You going alone again?" Seven asked.

"Yep, you seem to know me well now." I responded.

*sigh* "Well you do always seem to know what to do, so I won't stop you." He said.

I took a deep breath, climbed out, and ran as fast as I could to the next room, hearing a surprised sounding screech as I began running. I rolled under a table, hearing footsteps coming near, then back to the sink. I peeked out, and spotted the lever on the wall that activates the moving hooks.

I yanked down the lever, and heard another surprised screech as I crawled back under. As the chef was leaving the room, I followed, wasting no time. To my surprise, the other chef wasn't at the sink.

"Probably getting more soap or a new sponge." The chef in front of me muttered.

I hopped down into the hole before he turned in that direction.

"What do we need the hooks for?" Seven asked.

"You'll see, first we gotta climb that shelf." I replied.

We crawled through the pipe towards the opening near the shelf. As I grabbed onto the wood I glanced over to see the other chef returning with a large bottle of soap and a new sponge. I kept climbing until I was at the top.

"Are we supposed to ride these? What if they see us?" Seven asked with concern in his voice.

"It's either this or we climb those plates, and I prefer not climbing directly in front of them." I said.

"Aight fine, you wanna go first again?"

"Do you want me to? You can go if you'd like."

Without questioning or thinking twice, Seven jumped and grabbed onto the hook. I followed, and turned to see that Six was still with us, although I feel weird about her not talking or doing anything.

In the game, the chefs would still chase you, but they didn't see us when we went over. Two rooms over, we dropped off to rest a bit. This is where we would have dropped off if the chefs were chasing us.

I lay down to rest, but instead found myself in a dream as soon as I closed my eyes. Although it didn't look like the tower's exterior, just fog. I blinked and saw Six, but she was only a dark figure. She was facing me, but not looking directly at me.

"I want to see him again." She said, breaking the silence. I didn't understand what she meant, who was he? Maybe Mono? But then what exactly was Shadow Six?

"Could you do something? Just a favor."

I nodded.

"Don't feed her."

I blinked again and found Six and Seven patiently waiting for me at the edge. I stretched and took a deep breath as I jumped for the hook. Don't look down I thought to myself. I jumped down at the end and crawled through the opening.

End of chapter

I wrote a few sentences a day.

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