A Visit And A Goodbye

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I woke up to the same salty scent, but this time the air going into my lungs felt colder, and I let out a raspy cough.

I sat up and realized it was nighttime now, and the shore at the edge of Pale City was about a couple hundred meters away. Mono was steering the boat towards the city. I could barely see Six and Seven but I could hear them snoring, and I faintly saw the yellow and blue of their clothes in the seats.

About 2 minutes later, the boat thumped as it hit the shore. The snoring stopped, and I faintly saw yellow and blue masses moving in the dark.

"We're here!" Mono yelled, the excitement in his voice was noticeable.

I hopped off the edge of the boat into the moist sand, my legs felt tired and sore. I liked the cool air of the night, it gives me a feeling of nostalgia from no existing memories. Mono led the way into the city, through a few blocks, and stopped in front of a small, worn down townhouse.

He pulled out a key the size of his forearm from his coat, unlocked the door, and pushed the creaky door inwards. The air inside smelled stale, with a bit of a floral scent.

"Well, here's what I set up." Mono said, his voice sounded... unenthusiastic... you'd think someone would sound more thrilled when showing something to their friends.

It was mostly empty inside, only few pieces of furniture and a large television in the living room. Other than the lack of furniture, the interior of the townhouse itself looked to be in suboptimal condition, although that's not too bad considering we're in Pale City.

"Not the prettiest place in the world, but more comfortable that sleeping in the cold." Mono said, "So, now that you've helped mitigate our whole situation and brought us together alive, you wanna go home now?"

"Yeah, I have my own things to do back home." I said, "Bye I guess?"

Six wrapped her arms around me, then Seven repeated, and overlapped her, then so did Mono, and I hugged them back before my vision turned to static, and then I was in the comfort of my bedroom again.

"That's one hell of a journey." I muttered, fishing out a cigarette from its pack.

End of story (from y/n's perspective). But don't remove this from your reading list yet, there's one more.

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