Chapter Four

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The Full Moon

Something big happens this chapter

Don't be a Ghost Reader
Also remember the story will be mainly told through Stiles and Percy. Certain characters will get POV for the plot to make sense obviously but this is not going to be one of those stories where I switch to each character like the TV show. The main characters are Percy and Stiles

Percy Jackson watched the sun set anxiously as he twirled Riptide in his hands. Everything was a mess, Isaac was being held on suspicion for killing his father deep inside the city of Beacon Hills they could have an abnormal running around. Lydia, while clearly alive and well she was an abnormal as well. He had no idea if full moons played any part of getting banshees all riled up. Scott was still needing to be kept an eye on, and while Percy didn't want to thin his lines anymore then they were Jackson was a huge factor to play. Sighing he ran a hand through his thick black hair.

All he had tonight was Himself, Nico, Stiles, Derek, and Allison to keep everything in line. Five , well technically three against the incoming hunters set on revenge. Scott and Dereks revaluation that they weren't here to keep things in line that intact they had come to kill them all didn't surprise Percy at all. Yet, the full moon couldn't have come at a more horrible time.

"Well, I think it's time," Percy sighed as he turned away from the window and looked at his friends who were sitting in his apartment, besides Allison who was on lockdown by her father.

"I really wish I wasn't baby sitting the rich boy tonight," Nico sighed in frustration. "I should be helping you fight the hunters off!"

"We can't just have a full out war in the police station," Percy sighed. "They're not going to risk sending more then a handful of me. Which Derek and I can handle... Stiles are you sure we'll be able to make it in to the Poilce station okay?"

"Yeah I purposefully left my bag in my dads office. I sent him a text that you lent me a textbook and needed it back so you were gonna pick it up," Stiles replied with a confident nod. "Sourwolf can just sneak."

"And your plans?" Derek asked firmly nodding towards Scott.

"I have a lot of chain, and Percy has a spare bedroom," Stiles sighed. "I even spent money on dark out curtains so moonlight has less of a chance of hitting him."

"It's not just the moonlight you know," Derek stated rolling his eyes. "And if you shelter him from it the next time he feels it will be ten times harder then the last."

"And I still feel no reason to maim or kill there's no reason to chain me up! I can help!" Scott exclaimed urgently. Percy let out a sigh, while he was tempted to believe his friend he couldn't risk Scott losing control, not with hunters looking to kill him.

"It's a precaution Scott," Percy stated firmly. "You make it through this full moon, and you won't have to deal with being on the sidelines ever again."

"Remember Scott, find something that anchors you down. Something that can keep your human side intact. An emotion, a person, hell even lacrosse if need be. Focus on that tonight, focus on your senses. Keep yourself In line. If you feel yourself slipping remember pain keeps you human, jab yourself with your claws if you need be," Derek explained patting Scott's shoulder and giving him a confident stare. Percy eyed the situation closely and could see Scott relax slightly. Derek may be a lose cannon at times, but Percy could tell he already and an effect on any beta under him. He just hoped that would come in handy tonight.

"So how do you plan on stopping Isaac from killing people tonight?" Stiles asked fidgeting in his chair slightly. "After all, don't want to see my dad die."

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