Chapter Eleven

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Gonna say this for the next few chapters- Will not follow season 2 to heart there will be things out of place that happened and things that didn't even happen bc season 2 sucks so - pretty much the rest of this story besides the Rave and the 2 episode full moon and finale (kinda) will be included but the rest will be different.

The Battle Part I
Percy ran his hand through his hair as he scrolled through countless amounts of Bestiary pages looking for anything he could use.

"Anything?" Nico asked bored from the couch as he ate an apple while staring at the T.V. "Or waste of time?"

"I've found some things about a banshee, but nothing about the Kanima yet," Percy informed him. "At least nothing helpful!"

"Well ya know, it isn't often a demigod gets turned into a snake lizard," Nico sighed as he continued to flip through channels.

"I just wish we knew why he was being controlled," Percy mumbled to himself before he froze after clicking forwards. The picture at the top was accurate to what Jackson looked like while shifted, however, the language wasn't English, nor Greek.

"Well, that's my luck isn't it?" Percy asked as he glanced back at Nico. "All that time at camp Jupiter you didn't bother learn Archaic Latin did you?"

Nico stopped chewing as he glanced towards Percy with a confused eyebrow. "No...Would that have helped?"

"Yeah." Percy stated as he slammed his hand down on his desk. "Maybe we can make Aphrodite switch to Venus."

"We wanna risk that?" Nico asked sitting up.
"I don't know I'll figure it out later," Percy said as he forwarded Stiles and Allison the page he had found asking them to find a way to get it translated. "Right now we need to get a teen wolf off the run."

"Oh... so we're doing that?" Nico asked.
"Okay but what about part two to that plan?" Nico asked with a grimace.
"One hundred percent yeah."

"Of for Hades sake," Nico murmured as he tossed his apple in the trash and stood up. "Let's go."


Percy walked down the steps of the train station and analyzed the scene before him. Isaac and Erica were holding Jackson down while Derek carefully placed some of the Kanima venom on piece of glass.

"PERCY! PERCY THANK GOD HELP ME!" Jackson exclaimed as he thrashed around. "These psycho wolves abducted me!"

"Who do you think ordered them to bring you here?" Percy asked tilting his head in confusion as he patted Jackson on the head. "You've become quite a problem for us."

"What? LET ME GO!" Jackson screamed as he tried to break free.

"Stay put!" Erica growled as she dug his claws into his shoulder causing Jackson to wince in pain.

"Don't hurt him!" Percy ordered firmly. Erica scoffed and rolled her eyes as she retracted her claws.

"What do you want?" Jackson asked breathing heavily.

"Well you're not going to believe me but, you turn into a giant snake lizard monster at night and kill people, and attempt to kill us," Nico informed him as he let his blade touch the back Of his neck, "slashing the neck right about here, before clawing into them very viscously."

"What?" Jackson asked horrified before angrily growling out. "I think I would know If I was doing that!" Percy rolled his eyes as he grabbed the piece of glass from Derek.

"We're running a test to see if you do or not," Percy explained as the two betas pried Jackson's mouth open. "If this paralyzes you then we'll know that you truly are being controlled."

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