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Honestly the fact that the person who will be saying this line wasn't guessed when it's the person who should've said it in the original show... irks me smh love y'all but still

Percy glared at the men and the one who had betrayed him as he awaited there response. How dare they, how dare they harm Stiles. He was getting impatient so he let out a low snarl.

"Did I stutter?" The son of Poseidon asked angrily.

"How?" Gerald asked almost as if everything Percy had just screamed wasn't apparent.

"Don't worry about how, or why, or anything in between you fucking twat," Percy snarled. "Give me my brother back or I'm going to kill as many people in my way of getting him."

"Would you really oh so noble son of Poseidon?" Gerald mocked. Percys fist clinched around his sword so tightly that those standing in the front porch could see his knuckles turning white.

"I swear it on the RIVER STYX IF YOU DONT HAND MY BROTHER OVER NOW I WILL KILL AS MANY AS IT TAKES TO GET HIM BACK!" Percy screamed his sea green eyes glowing aggressively as thunder echoed through out the background. The old hunter flinched as he glanced at the men at his disposal.

"So what will it be Gerald?"


"Why is he covered in his own paralyzing venom?" Isaac asked curiously as he pointed down at Jackson.

"You know I don't think that's a good thing," Nico murmured as they stared down at Jackson's supposed dead body. It flinched causing everyone to jump back in worry.

"Mom... zip it! Zip it' zip it zip it!" Scott exclaimed as Mellisa desperately tried to zip the body bag back up.

"So what do we do now?" Issac asked.

"Percy said the time and place," a voice exclaimed from the doorframe to reveal Chris Argent.
"I'll drive my cars faster."


"If you think you can take all of us go ahead," Gerald stated shaking his head. "You'll just die again."

"Sure," Percys responded before stretching his free hand out before clenching it into a fist, he rotated it slightly before seeing every hunter on the porch with a gun point at eachother. Screams of worry and shock sprang out before Percy snapped his fingers and gunshots rang through the air, hunters falling to the ground in and instance.

Allison let out a scream, dropping her bow as blood shot out onto her. Her eyes widened as she noticed Percy starting to March forwards. In shock and horror she moved backwards rushing into the house, the same one Gerald had already fled into.


Percy marched forwards kicking the door open only to see more hunters standing in his way. He let out a snarl as he marched forwards. A hunter shot a bullet only for it to pass through Percy and fall helplessly to the ground. Gerald watched this curiously... could Stiles be powerful enough to summon water to look and act like Percy?

It took another moment where Percy dissolved I to water and five of his hunters be blasted across the kitchen he knew Percy Jackson was alive. Meanwhile Allison peered on the staircase and realized what she had created.

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