Chapter twenty two

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Percys eyes remained closed as he forced his body to fall underneath the bath water that he had mixed with a bucket of salt. Letting it come into his core and fix his injured body. His spine was the real issue, the fall had broken his vertebrate is seven different spots. While some had healed he could still feel the fractures, the ones that were keeping his toes numb still.

He had promised himself he would be ready tonight, otherwise the plan wouldn't work. Sure he could ask Artemis for a full moon anytime, but with the Hunters aggressiveness he couldn't let them do more damage then they already had.

In the darkness of the water his eyes suddenly flashed and he saw horrible images-
Some of which of people he didn't even know.

"MALIA!" Stiles screamed.
"KIRA!"  Scott echoed behind him.

If you don't live they DIE PERCY



"Without you Percy, they will all fall to ashes."

"ALLLLLLISOOON!" Lydias banshee voice screamed out causing blood to seep from his ears as he started to thrash around in the tub.

Until there was suddenly a bright light and Percy could suddenly see CHAOS standing before him.

"Percy, tonight.... tonight you will spill human blood."

"Why's that?" Percy asked curiously.
"For your brother."


Stiles slammed to the ground and groaned as he once again was pushed off the ball. There was five minutes left in the championship game and everything before hand didn't seem to matter anymore.

The hunters and Gerald were staring down at the game as if at any moment they would strike. With Scott keeping an watchful eye over Jackson with his master so close by he wasn't able to perform as expected and they were losing the game by two points

Usually throughout the season opponent's could only attack them from one direction since Percy guarded the right side and shut down every attack with ease. That allowed there team and there high powered offense to easily gain the upper hand in most of the games. Tonight, it was 7-9. There offense had shown up the defense haven't, Danny saved a lot of shots but he couldn't do much to the point blank ones
The defense allowed. At least His dad and Scott's mom were sitting next To Lydia, at least she would be safe from the pain of tonight.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and Stiles heard a thud next to him as he glanced down to see
The ball right at his feet. He noticed the others were confused, the ball had vanished from them. Stiles grunted as he rose to his feet, he scooped
The ball up and charged towards the other teams net. He could hear the footsteps of the other team as his cleats sunk into the ground seven feet from the goal, no way he could miss from this range.

Suddenly he heard a grunt of pain, and he hesitated to see Isaac falling to the ground, Jackson behind him... Gerald had made him slash him.

ISAAC! He thought every urge wanting to go help his fellow friend but right now he couldn't just give up the game like that, Scott could take care of him. There were to many people watching.

"SHOOT IT!" His dads voice echoed out.

"STILES SHOOT IT!" Lydia screamed.

Biting his lip stiles spun back on his heels and shot the ball forwards and watched it slam
Into the back of the net. The crowd exploded as the beacon hills players rushed Stiles as he ran back to them.

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