Chapter Two

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Sorry for the wait but remember that voice that kept talking to Percy in this first book? Yeah well gets explained in this chapter with a fun reveal. Hope you enjoy. Please comment on things you want to see or enjoyed, can't promise all of your request will be added but I always love to see theories, remember this story isn't going to be a copy and paste of season 2.

"Any luck?" Derek asked as Percy walked into the train station. It had been a long night searching for there friend, and no sign of Lydia had turned up anywhere. Percy sighed as he walked down the steps and gave a helpless shrug. He and Derek had been working together the last few weeks planning, hoping that when Lydia flew off the handle they could have a grasp on it before the hunters came. Seemed as if that time was running short.

"No help thanks to you," Percy shot back. "What we're you doing tonight?"

"I was here," Derek shrugged, which Percy could tell was an obvious lie as the Alpha seemed more confident then usual.

"What did you do," Percy asked raising an eyebrow. He knew giving Derek the alpha spark was not only the right thing to do, but was going to be a challenge. While the man never was raised to handle the changes the power gave to the user, the demigod knew that Derek would be unwilling to submit to him easily.

"I- told you I was here," Derek stated raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I don't need super hearing to know that you're lying Derek," Percy spat taking a step into the train eyeing the alpha carefully. "You've betrayed me once, don't think I'm not keeping you on a short leash."

"That was out of emotion," Derek clarified. "I wasn't thinking straight I was manipulated."

"Yeah like being told not to bite a demigod," Another voice exclaimed as Nico walked out of the Shadows of the train yard catching the alpha off guard. "Let alone two. Now there's three teenagers that Percy could have spared that you may kill." Derek eyes widened at Nico, while short his long dark blade was held by his side, his dark eyes glared daggers at the alpha.

"You're spying on me now?" Derek exclaimed.

"No, actually this was a call I made tonight. Had Nico keep a look out on demigods while I tried to find Lydia. Much to my surprise you bit Isaac....
Much to my surprise you bit Jackson a week ago!" Percy growled as he marched forwards and grabbed the alpha by the shoulders and throwing him down into a seat.

"You're making them a target! Demigod blood and the bite don't mix! It creates abnormals and if the Argents love killing anything other then werewolves it's abnormal!" Nico spat. Derek stated at the two demigods his eyes never flashing red. He hadn't thought anything of it, he needed a pack the list of demigod Percy had stated to him before stuck in his brain and he acted off instinct to find the strongest candidates.

"If I'm supposed to leave you in charge when I'm gone, I need to trust you," Percy growled. "This isn't trust!"

"I'm sorry it won't happen again. Besides the only two left out your brother and the Argent girl," Derek exclaimed. "There's a war coming Percy we need the numbers!"

"Numbers we can control!" Percy yelled angrily. "I've lost to much to lose anyone else again and i know you are in the same boat as me so for hades sake please behave yourself!"

"What's the plan?" Nico asked Percy as he eyed Derek. "You may be better off with Scott as your alpha."

"Scott can't control his shift yet," Percy stated. "Which is a job for you this coming week is it not? Three betas one you.... all three demigods as well. How will you play this?"

"Plan on turning two more - only humans," Derek informed Percy. "After the full moon... Thought you'd be willing to help."

"Well you're lucky my cousin here is willing to stay till the full moon," Percy stated annoyed as he gave Nico a thankful nod. "I'll take care of Isaac and Jackson with you Derek. Nico will look for Lydia."

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