Chapter Twenty- One

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Let the climax began.

The week had been hectic to say the least, at least to Stiles standards. With Percy out of commission, everyone in the packs family getting threatened everyone was in panic mode.

Matt was dead, drowned by Gerald and now the hunters themselves had a supernatural creature on there side. That didn't make much sense to Stiles as he anxiously tossed his lacrosse stick on a couch as he plopped down next to it with a groan.

"With everything going on is a stupid lacrosse game really a top priority?" Stiles asked annoyed.

"Jackson's going to be there," Percy reminded him as he tilted back in a chair raising an eyebrow at him. "So yeah."

"What's got you in a sour mood? You're usually so energetic and spazzing," Nico murmured. "Not that I'm complaining."

"The fact that Boyd and Erica are planning on slipping away, we don't know about Isaac and oh I don't know everything!" Stiles exclaimed annoyed.

"You forgot about Peter," Nico reminded him.
"My point exactly!" Stiles shot back with a huff as his head fell down in his hands with a groan.

"Stiles," Percy stated with a soft sigh as he stood from his desk. The last few weeks had been hard but the eldest son of Poseidon had almost fully healed, the amount of baths he had taken to gain the process however was quite embarrassing.

"It's okay to be feeling overwhelmed, and anxious. If you weren't I'd be scared for you," Percy informed his brother as he plopped down next to him on the couch and placed his hand on Stiles shoulder.

"We're losing," Stiles informed him.
"We were losing last time," Percy reminded him with a smile. "Look, we have tomorrow night the championship game, and if you haven't noticed... I have a goddess in my back pocket now."

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked confused.
"It means he's going to make the full moon come early," Nico informed him.

"What? She can do that?"

"She is the goddess of the moon... look not the whole night but if we have a chance to secure Jackson and cure him I'm taking it. All it takes is a prayer and she said she'd make it happen," Percy explained.

"And what about you?" Stiles asked.

"I'll... be watching from a distance," Percy said lightly. "I'm still not one hundred percent yet I can't just walk out and expose myself."

"I guess you're right," Stiles agreed. "I just don't want to play... my first start the championship? That's to much pressure!"


"So during the lacrosse game then?" Scott asked lightly to Isaac as he helped Deaton place a hurt dog onto the table.

"Yeah," Isaac said with a shrug. "They aren't to keen on being shot and all. Dereks been really tough on us and I know it's because we need to protect ourselves but they heard wolves apparently the other night and want to go find them."

"Not so sure that's the greatest idea," Scott murmured. "I know dereks hard but Percy always pulls through. Even if it almost kills him."

"I know, but when Percy went down it spooked the other two. If the hunters could hurt him to the point of almost killing him... it kind of sat with them hard," Isaac explained. "They're scared. And spring break with the hunters coming for family's it just was to stressful."

"What do you want to do?" Scott asked lightly.

"Honestly... I think this may be the first time in my life where I'm actually free to chose what I think is right without punishment. I'll have to think about it," Isaac explained.

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