Chapter Nine

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A/N : Remember I'm taking a unique on this season bc season 2 is meh.
Which means, as most TW seasons always have 2 full moons. This one will have three and you'll understand why as it makes sense timeline wise. As Jan- May is actually five moons, the show only showed us 4 through season 1-2.  So we get an extra moon plus character development that makes sense yayyyyy!


But this episode has lacrosse in it, and every lacrosse episode is hype sooo. We're gonna use this episode to set stuff up. BUT remember Percy is here now which means no stupid thing is gonna make Boyd enter the game. Bc Percy= another player which means Stiles leaving won't have an impact. Otherwise the story will go on its creative path after this episode.

The game was going poorly, at least to Percys standards. They were down one with only a few minutes to go. The opposing team had a defender twice the size of anyone on the field, and was knocking down, and injuring Beacon Hills players every attacking play. It was a miracle it was only 2-3. With Beacon Hills trailing. Percy figured it would be less if coach had let Danny play in goal this game but nope, coach had Danny playing offense. Which wasn't going well.

Percy was frustrated for other reasons as well, with Isaac gone, still running from the cops they were down a good midfielder, and the team
Against them hasn't attacked his side all day. They were avoiding him, made him proud of his skills but frustrated that he didn't really get to play that much. Running around in semi circles waiting to do something.

Ironic, Percy thought to himself. That's exactly what he was doing with Jackson and the Kanima situation. Running around from hunters, never acting just trying to do something. He had a cure but he couldn't use it unless he knew who was controlling him.

He stared at the opposing team and saw the 6'5 300 pounder trucking Danny to the side like he was nothing. In this situation he knew who the master was, thankfully. Percy himself was only 6' 1or 6'3 however he was about 200 pounds of pure muscle, not even a milligram fat on him. Seven years of straight training and godly blood made sure of that. His lungs may have been damaged during his March through Tartarus, but he had grown stronger since.

He watched the ball fly from Danny's stick and plummeted to the ground. At mid field. It was almost a sudden silence after the screams of terror of one of Beacon hills best players being thrown aside like a rag doll. Percy could feel the bounces of the ball vibrating on the ground, and his cleats chewing up dirt as he sprinted forwards.

Each step fling him forwards as he sprung by anyone trying to find the lose ball. He could vaguely here his coach screaming.


Jackson and Scott were in a middle of a quick argument but there words failed them as the demigod rushed past them.

But it was just a vibration as he trucked forwards.

"Come on Percy!" Allison whispered excitedly, as Gerald sent her a side look of concerns before his eyes snapped back onto the field.

"Come on Perce. Come on man! KNOCK HIS ASS TO THE GROUND!" Stiles screamed next to Coach who looked at him in confusion before slamming his fist down on Stiles shoulder changing his view and screaming.


"Oh hey coach! Terrible timing but...
I had to much Taco Bell," Stiles stated weakly as he clutched his stomach. Coach looked back at him horrified before his grip on his shoulder tightened.

"Bean burritos?"
"Completely understand Stilinksi, go fast and unyielding!" Coach exclaimed.

"Is he that strong?" Boyd asked Derek as they stood by the stands watching the game.

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