~Fluff Fluff~

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A guy was lost I mean literally, his friends somehow forgot or maybe it's because he is eh silent? He just doesn't usually utter a word.

He looking like a polar bear in green land or city because of his built, tone beefy muscle litters in his body ehem let me shorten it he is wide tall GIANT. And because of that everyone I mean every f one avoid or distance themselves from getting close to him.
Not knowing that he is harmless to civilians and unarmed people and children and elders and animals if not threatened.....
Just, just harmless okay.

As they say don't judge people like books, by their cover you gotta read and understand 🤗.

Anyway. He sat by a bench thinking that it's best to do so because he doesn't know around the area at all and doesn't have his phone with him either, nor can he even take a taxi or train. He let out a sigh and just sat there silently.

Until a boy with untamed bright orange hair approach him and ask with the most pleasing voice. Are you okay? Do you need any help?
Compare to him he is like a shade of white with his white shirt hair.

Couldn't help but nod to his every word. He snap out of it and look at him, the ginger then saw his full face and giggles cutely. Although confuse he thought maybe it's because he doesn't have brows? Well it's that and also because the ginger saw the resemblance of a polar or teddy bear to him making him giggle his thoughts out.

"Haha, I ask if you needed help it's because you look like your lost or something"

He said with the most beautiful smile he seen. He nod and said,
My friends... I lost them.

The said boy listen to him very well and smile to him again,
"Do you know where you all gonna go before they lost you maybe they're there?"

The big guy think for minute or so before he remember that there is,
xxxxxxx....maybe he said a bit unsure if his friends are really going there.

"Hm hm, I know where that is, do you want to go there? I'll help you!"

The boy offer with a bright soft smile. If you couldn't tell he look like an angel if could you can make me your relative or friend.

The giant would melt if he can by 1 because his smile is too bright like the Sun but he also hot like it 2 because of his lovely voice if angels do sing it'll probably same as his.

Anyway he got up and wow their height and wide differences can be seen like it's huge, the little boy couldn't help but see him as a teddy polar bear while the giant couldn't help but awe at his little size it made him cute,much more huggable and his orange bright hair look so Fluffy.

Any f way, the two made their way to the said "xxx" place the orange boy did all the talking to make him and the way much more comfortable he did utter a few words here and there but it's mostly the orange boy who did. The two didn't mind the arrangement of things and much less it didn't bother them at all.

Finally they arrive at the said place, "Look around maybe your friends are here, it's too crowded here. I can't see much if you couldn't tell haha I'm just kidding about the last part" The orange boy joke making the giant slightly smile well more like a smirk he nodded, he look around and saw his Friends they look a bit surprise or something. What he didn't know was that they saw the interaction between him and the boy.

The giant pat the little boy's head making him look at him, he point at the direction where his friends are still at same place looking at them more like staring, "Is that them? Your friends?" He nodded by his question "Oh good for you, well I'll go now since they're here. Say to them not to lost you next time hahaha bye bye Mr. Polar bear hehe" He jokingly said to him patting his arm while smiling to him, making him also smile he wave at the leaving boy and when he is out of his sight he turn to his friends who saw the part two scene of their silent, expressionless and stonic friend.

They ask where he been, who the boy was and so on he answered all except one question. Now that he thinks about it he forgot about asking and giving his name to the said orange boy. Frowning about it though it look like his everyday expression the others his friends especially the one that is close to him could feel that he is displeased about something.

They did what their business there while thinking and recalling about the boy, he just stay in their mind. Even when they don't know him they just couldn't get him out of their mind especially his smile.

So who do you guys the group today?
Who was the boy is he by any means have any connections with the previous anonymous boys that been introduce??
Welp find it out yourself 🤭
To be continued.

Hope you all have a good day afternoon evening and night 🤗.

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