Chapter 1

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Two mother's laughed as they knitted sweaters next to the window for their children.
"And then she rode her bike on the fountain and ended up in the water" the brunette said nearly falling of her seat. " Looks like the kids are giving you trouble." The one with black hair said. " Don't worry , I'll be just fine" the brunette reassured her.

The raven haired shook her friend's shoulders. "Let's make a promise, to be there for each other" she said holding out her pinky. " Forever" the brunette added and hooked her pinky .


Jack ran down the halls of the Cronatia palace, apologizing to the people he bumped into. "Yes father" he panted as soon as he opened the meeting room's doors.

" Jack" A man with grey hair and emerald green eyes stared at the silver white haired boy. "Your corination is in a month and I'm sure you know arrangements are being made" Manny continued while the silver haired sat down. "And your mother wants you to partake in these arrangements" he added as the boy groaned.

Jack placed his head on his hand. He was only eighteen and his father was already making him take the crown. Was the job that terrible. And to top it all off, his mother wanted him to meet the perfect girl. The future queen of the Cronatia kingdom. The boy sighed.

" Do I have to" he muttered audibly enough for his father to hear. "Yes, you do. Both you and I can't go against your mother's wishes" Manny said arranging the documents on his desk. "Fine" he said before exiting the room grumpily.

Jack slumped on his king sized bed and ran a hand through his messy hair. He knew it was only weeks to his corination and it was getting to him. Some body knocked on the door "Come in" he yelled before a lady with dark black hair and cyan blue eyes entered his room.

The guests that always visited the castle always said he looked like his father and behaved like his mother. He'd heard that so many times that it had become sickening.

"Oh, it's just you." He sighed while she sat next to him on his bed. "Jack, listen to me. One day, you will have to stop the war between the kingdom of Arendelle and Cronatia and to do that you will have to become king" she told him.

" But why are we at war anyways" Jack asked his mom frustrated. " Your too young to understand" she sighed. " Too young, too young. I'm almost eighteen" he argued.  Luna looked down. How could she explain this to her son.

" Calm down, Jack. You can have a civilized talk with your dad about this, " she said getting up, " for now get some rest" she closed the door.

This war had been going on for thirteen years, it's was impossible for anyone to not get curious how it had begun. It intrigued the teen and how could his mother think he'd have a civilized talk with his dad. They barely even tolerated each other. Jack racked his brain for the answer, he decided to sleep on it. There's always tomorrow.

Elsa piled up all the documents on her desk. 475 in total. "Mmmh" she said stretching and grabbing her coffee. Another long day of working non-stop.

"Bye Gerda" she waved to the elderly woman. "See you soon Elsa" Gerda waved back to the platinum blonde who later exited the building.

Elsa's blue crystal eyes roamed the area. No one had dared to come out after 8:00 p.m. So many people were on the street hoping to get home before 8. Elsa checked the time, 7:29. "Shoot" she said jumping on her scooter and going down ellrain street.

Your probably wondering why everyone hurries home before 8:00, it's because something dark roamed the streets of Croatia. Capturing the loners on the streets and those people were never heard from again.


Elsa parked her scooter when she arrived the slightly large flat. "I'm home" She told no one in particular when a strawberry blonde pounced on her. "Elsa, your just in time" Anna said and checked her watch. 7:42. "Come and have dinner." Anna said dragging her sister to the living room.

"Oh, Elsa. We were about to watch a movie. Wanna join" Kristoff asked politely. " No thanks. I'll be in my room if you need me." Elsa replied grabbing the plate of pasta and heading to her room.

Elsa ran her hands on the walls of the corridor. It took her a full year to save enough so that she could buy this house. Elsa placed her pasta on her vanity and sat on her bed. A letter was placed there.

Dear Elsa,

Just wanted to check on you and
Anna and send you good birthday
wishes. I hope you are fine, if not
there's always a place for you at
home. I received your letter in one
piece unlike last time. Tell Anna to
stay away from cats. She's allergic.
Please take care of your little sister
and be careful.

Send my love to Anna and Kristoff

Your father

Five years, it had been five years since they saw their family. After the king announced that travelling had been cut off, her and Anna wrote letters their dad. Kristoff.... well Kristoff also wrote letters his family. 'The love experts' as Anna calls them. ' Well the sun will shine tommorow ' she thought finishing her pasta. She laid on her bed and shut her eyes.

Where the northwind
Meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep my darling
Safe and sound
For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lies the answers
and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not to far, or you'll be drown

Yes she will sing to those who hear
In her waters all magic flows
But can you face what you fear
Can you face what the river knows

"Sleep, safe and sound dear" Iduna said tucking Elsa in her bed.

" MOM" Elsa screamed waking up. She identified her surrounding and sighed,  it was just a dream she thought getting up


Anna sighed entering the Icecream store it was called 'Iceream Dream' when she saw the receptionist trying to kick out a boy who looked starved. "Please sir, just one ice cream" the boy begged. "You scoundrels are always trying to trick us, all you do is rob us." He argued.

" Don't worry I'll pay for it" Anna reasured her boss. " Okay Anna" he fake smiled. "Here you go" she said giving him the ice cream. "Thank you ma'am" he said running out of the shop.

The strawberry blonde girl's blue turquoise eyes pierced into the buff man's. Why couldn't people have a little humanity. It wouldn't kill now would it.

Anna turned to the guy. "Ralph, what did I say about your anger issues." She sighed. "It can hurt someone" the buff man groaned. " Thank you" she said joining him behind the counter.

The bell rang "Welcome to Ice cream dream" she welcomed the guy with a dark aura. " Regular" he said bluntly. "Here" she said serving him a coffee. They didn't serve coffee but him, there was an exception. He left the place after paying.

"Hey why does he-" Anna was cut off when Ralph cover her mouth. "Anna, some secrets are meant to be hidden." he replied leaving the strawberry blonde confused.

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