Chapter 8

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Hiccup and Merida spied on the two from inside the tent. Merida smiled at Hiccup before his expression became sour. She watched him sit on the bed made from covers and blankets. "Hicc, I'm" she started before he interrupted her, "Merida, I don't care" he said coldly.

"I didn't mean to" she said as she felt tears form in her eyes. " I waited so long," Hiccup yelled at her, "You didn't even send my a letter" he continued as Merida bit her lip trying to hold back her tears.

She didn't know what to do, She only wanted his friendship back. "Merida, I didn't mean to make you cry" Hiccup said alerting her, she didn't know the tears had already escaped her eyes and started flowing down her cheeks. She used her long sleeved hand to wipe her tears.

"I don't want you to pity me" she said aggressively. He could see anger in her eyes, " Anyways, it's better off this way" Merida left to the girl's room. Hiccup ran a hand through his hair, what had he done.

Jack and Elsa laid outside on the grass watching the stars. "That's the North star" Elsa said pointing at the brightness star in the sky. Jack looked at her and smirked, "Nah, it's definitely that one" Jack said pointing at the same one. " That's what I said" Elsa pouted flicking his fore head.

" Okay, we better head inside" Jack said finally sitting up. He could feel something had been watching them. "Your probably right" she said getting up and dusting herself. He got up and started heading towards the tent.

"Merida" Elsa called the moment they had entered the tent. "She not here" A voice said startling her. She turned in defense mode only to be met with dark forest green eyes. She grabbed his collar and pulled him towards her, "What did you do to her" she asked intimidatingly.

Hiccup gulped, he was now officially scared of Elsa. " I...i-i...I" he stuttered trying to find the words. Elsa pulled her fist behind threatening to punch his face. "I m-might have...." Hiccup hesitated before Elsa heard a yell from outside.

She ran behind the tent to find Merida shooting arrows at trees aggressively. "Merida" she asked before an arrow whizzed past her head, barely missing her. Merida covered her mouth with her hands and ran to Elsa.

"Elsa, I'm so so sorry. I didn't- " Elsa shushed Merida. " It's okay, see" Elsa said turning around to prove there were no scars. " But what if i-" she trailed off. Elsa smiled softly at the red haired girl, " But you didn't" she assured her.

Merida's knees shook making her lose her balance and hit the ground. "Merida, are you okay." The platinum blonde asked her. Merida smiled weakly before her turquoise eyes filled with tears.

"Don't worry Mer" Elsa said before she saw Hiccup standing behind her. "You jerk" she said aiming to hit him before Merida held her back. Merida looked at Elsa reassuringly, "Hiccup, please...just. I need some space" she said making Elsa realize she wasn't meant to be there. Elsa calmly left the two alone and went inside.

"Merida, look I just.." "You've just what, huh. Why are you angry, are you the one that never got to see her best friend again. Are you the one who didn't keep their promise, HUH?" Merida yelled at the boy who looked down at the grass.

" And to think just minutes ago, YOU we're angry at ME" Merida pulled her front hair from her face in angry. " Mer-" "Hiccup Haddock Honderous the third, my best friend, became some...." She even lost the words she was going to say.

Merida then stormed inside leaving  Hiccup standing there like an idiot. Elsa and Jak turned to face Merida who stormed inside the tent, angrily. "What's her problem?" Jack whispered to Elsa who shrugged.

Merida buried her head in a pillow. She wasn't usually emotional, but why. Why did she care about him so much. He was her best friend, she cared about him.

But could I...... Merida shook the thoughts out if her head. She only saw him as a friend, nothing more. And anyways, he was in love with Astrid. She threw her pillow at floor, why was life so cruel

Elsa and Jack sat on a mat outside the fairly medium room, sipping on tea. Elsa closed the flask next to her and carried her cup with three fingers. "Show off" Jack muttered loud enough for her to hear. "Jealous much" Elsa smirked as he shrugged.

"How long do we have to get to Arendelle" he said popping up the question. Elsa frowned triangulating how long it would take. "About two weeks, three at most" Elsa sighed while Jack's jaw dropped.

"But you said by the next sixth sunrise" he asked. " First of all, I said  it would take six days to Shau-ling, and we spent two days in the village of Berk. Also Arendelle is in Norway, it would take four weeks to arrive there. But I cut off some of our sleeping hours." Elsa resented him.

Jack frowned slightly and pouted a bit making Elsa laugh. "What?" he asked her innocently, "You look so cute when you pout" she slapped a hand on her mouth after she realized her mistake. Jack smirked, "Is that so Snowflake"

Elsa could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "S-snowflake" she stuttered before Jack burst out laughing, " It suits you" he smiled making her hit his arm playfully. "Shut up" she told him while he panted, trying to catch his breath.

Elsa rolled her eyes and took more of her tea. The sun had set about an hour ago and she didn't want to waste any more time. "Let's call it a night" Jack said reading her thoughts as he finished his tea.

Just then Hiccup passed by them in an irritated manner. "What's his problem?" Jack asked her as she shrugged. They both stared at each other for a second before heading separate ways.

"Wassup Hicc" Jack asked as Hiccup covered his head with a blanket. "Okay..." Jack answered himself knowing he wouldn't be getting an answer from him. He sat besides the brunette on a blanket. Somethings wrong he thought before lying down and covering himself.

Elsa turned right and headed to the respective girl's room. She smiled as Merida's snores filled the room and she sat down next to her.
Her glance changed to the bag next to her.

Elsa smiled as she pulled out the golden locket. Her father had given it to her right before she left. Rubbing it, she remembered that it was going to be her birthday in three weeks.

They usually spent her birthday by making a cake and having indoors activities, seeing that movement was restricted, they didn't invite friends over. But this year she would be spending it in a familiar place with new people.

She felt a cold breeze hit her skin signalling the beginning of the cold winter season. The edges of her lips curved up a bit. Winter was a time for renewal and change, seeing as she was on a dangerous journey. She was sure that after this adventure her life would never be the same again, their lives will never be the same again.

She pulled the cover over her shoulders falling into a deep sleep as a single falling snowflake landed at the front of the tent.

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