Chapter 7

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Merida frowned as she watched Elsa's expression. She turned behind and looked at Jack who looked confused as his horse steered in all directions due to him not paying attention. "Els, wait up" she told Elsa as Angus caught up to Nokk. "Why yee had to be so rude, lass" she asked Elsa.

Elsa scoffed at Merida and carried an angry expression. She tugged the reigns of Nokk making going farther ahead. Merida sighed and looked back behind but not at Jack this time, at Hiccup. She knew he was angry at her but it wasn't her fault.

~~~~~~flash back one~~~~~~~

A redhead ran under the dinning table. "15, 16...umm..19, 20. Ready or not here I come" A 5 year old brunette said and searched frantically for his friend.

The red haired girl giggled under the table. She covered her mouth when she saw his feet next to the table. "Maybe she's HERE" She heard his yell and check behind the curtain. She giggled loudly at his silliness and he came to the table.

"Where's all that giggling coming from," he asked himself. "Maybe she's in HERE" he screamed checking under the table cloth. He frowned at patted his chin like he was thinking. He snapped his fingers, well he tried to but ended up making a clicking sound with his mouth.

"Maybe, she's under HERE" he said checking under the table as the red head screamed and ran outside the house. " Merida" he pouted chasing after her.

Merida ran into the forest and waited for her friend to catch up to her. She tugged the small bow her father had given to her nervously. They had told the two children to never go into the forest of Berk.

"Merida" she heard a familiar voice pant behind her. The brunette tapped her shoulder making her startle a bit. "I win, I win" she jumped about cheerly before Hiccup covered her mouth.

"Did you hear that" he asked her as she listened closely. It sounded like a whisper. She started running towards the direction she heard the sound. A small blue figure floated in front of her and whispered something she couldn't get.

"A whisp" she said as Hiccup caught up to her. Then she saw another one and walked up to that one, the another one and soon they were following a trail of whisps before they heard a growling voice.

"The whisps will lead you to your destiny" she whispered as she reached out to the bushes. Something growled and moved so quickly she couldn't tell what it was. Except the it had wings somewhat of a bat but was bigger. She looked behind the bushes and saw a bare spot. Like something had burnt it.

She turned to Hiccup who looked at it gobsmacked. "Merida, we have to leave." He said as he pulled her out of the forest. She heard a rustling behind her and ran faster, soon they saw the clearing of the forest.

The slid down as they approached the sunny area and stared at each other confused. "W-what was that" Merida panted and held her bow. " It can be" Hiccup asked himself while Merida's eyes shined with confusion.

"A dragon"

~~~~flashback two~~~~~~

Merida watched her mother pack all her clothes. "Mom, I don't want to leave" she pleaded with her mom as she put the luggage on the carriage. "Merida, get the dress" her mom ordered ignoring her.

" Mom, do we have to leave" she tugged at her mom's dress when she was talking with a royal guard. " Mom" she was interrupted when her mom yelled at her. "Merida, we can't stay" she said making her daughter's blue eyes go sad.

"But why" she yelled with pressure in her voice. "Because we don't want the same thing that happened at Dunbroch to happen here. That bear almost killed you" her mother yelled making the small girl cover her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Merida, look" she heard her mother say before she ran out of the house and hid behind a tree. "Merida" she heard a familiar voice call from above her. She looked up at the brunette with dark forest eyes.

"Hiccup" she said as she pulled him in for a hug. Hiccup then pulled away from the hug and held her cheeks. "What's wrong" he said tilting her head from side to side looking for  wounds. She sat back down and wiped her face.

"We're leaving" she said as Hiccup's face dropped. He looked at his friend sadly before sitting next to her. "Hey don't cry" he said and patted her head. "You'll come back next year, as always" she heard him say as she lifted her head from her knees.

" S-sure" she stuttered feeling a lump in her throat. "Yup" he smiled positive. "And we'll play hide and seek again." She smiled as he nodded his head vigorously. " Promise to come back next year" he said taking out his pinky. She hooked hers on to his. "Promise" she giggled as they hugged again.

Her mother then came and picked Merida up. "Hope to see you soon" Her mother said to the heir of Berk. " You too" he responded politely as Merida hugged him one more time. "Bye" she said breaking the hug. "Bye"

Hiccup waved as Merida entered the carriage with the help of her mother and it started to ride off. She could see Hiccup run after the carriage as she knelt on the seat and waved goodbye. In a short while, she saw him slow down and wave. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears but she didn't blink them out. She hoped her friend would forgive her, for breaking her promise.

~~~~~flashbacks end~~~~

She turned away as Hiccup looked at her. She watched the horizon as it seemed to go further away from her. Would she ever reach it, or tell the truth.

Elsa checked the campus that was on her lap. They had been going North the whole day. She pulled Nokk's reigns making him stop in a deserted area. "We camp here" she said as authority leaked from her voice.

Jack jumped off his horse and stretched a bit while Hiccup jumped off Toothless and let him fly around.

Merida put the tent materials as Elsa approached her and assembled them. "Jack, are you coming?" asked Hiccup. He nodded his head in approval and walked over to the rest.

A few minutes later, Jack reached out to get a pole that was lying next to him when his hand felt something soft and warm underneath it. He was sure poles where supposed to be cold and hard. His eyes met with the mesmerizing crystal ice blue eyes that shined with confusion.

(A/N: Cliché right)

He could feel his blood rise to his cheeks as their hands stayed on each other and her face became a crimson red before he pulled his hand off hers suddenly.

He shoot her a angry look and she shared the same look before they stormed off in different directions, leaving Hiccup and Merida there confused. 'Whats wrong' Hiccup mouthed to her. She shrugged in confusion at the two.

Elsa stood outside the tent that was nicely finished. It had two neatly separated rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys. It was lighted up by some thingamabob Hiccup called a solar lantern with a...umm... bulbs.

She sat in the grass and looked over the mountains at the newly risen moon. The place was truly beautiful and she found it hard to believe it that it wasn't occupied by people. The green shining grass and beautiful view would be suitable for human settlement.

She sighed as she got up and walked farther away from the tent and saw a familiar white haired boy. "Hi Jack" she said making him sit up and turn to her. "Hi Els-a, Elsa" he said stopping himself from giving her a nickname. She sat down next to him as he laid on the ground.

She watched him gaze at the stars, well at least she thought he was staring at the stars. "Jack, I'm sorry" she said mastering all of her courage. He sat up and stared at her shocked. "I know I was rude and obnoxious for slapping you like that" she said before he held her hand.

His palm was unnaturally cold, but soft and he stroked his thumb on her skin. "It's all right Elsa, I forgive you" He smiled truthfully at her making her smile back. "You women, never a dull moment with you" he said jokingly making her laugh

And in that moment, she couldn't tell it it, but something had changed between them. A friendship had blossomed.

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