Chapter 4

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A redhead laughed with a tiny fairy. He watched a brunette tell her brothers a fairytale and later tuck them in.

"Peter Pan, stalking as usual" the platinum blonde laughed. Peter smirked "You know me Elsa, I do what I do" he flew over her. The fairy scolded him in her bell voice and landed on Elsa's hand.

"Hi Tink" she greeted the blonde fairy casually. "Care to introduce me to your friends" Peter said pointing at the two. " This is Merida and-" he cut her off. "Jackson Overland Frost" Peter completed for her.

"You know each other," she asked him. "Know each other, we're cousins" he said ruffling up Jack's hair. Tink pulled Peter's ear as Elsa giggled at the three.

All of their heads snapped towards her. "Did she just giggle" Peter asked hitting his head to see if he wasn't asleep. "I think so" Jack smirked and also hit Peter's head. The redhead stuck his tongue out to the silver white. "Get back here" Jack said chasing Peter.

"Peter, we need your help" Elsa yelled getting his attention. "What's up, curses, dragons, royals, witches. Man witches are evil," he said above her.

"No, we need to find Tadashi" Elsa told him. "Oh yeah, my main man. I don't know where he is." He stated simply. " But we can't enter the Arendelle kingdom without him" Elsa pleaded. "Well, he did mention the last place he was going was Shau-ling" Peter shrugged.

" You'd like to ask a guy named Din" he said and Tink sat on the globe. One of Elsa's eyebrows lifted in confusion. "What she trying to say is, yee can describe him" Merida said reading her mind.

" You'll know him when you see him" he said sitting back in his chair. Tink face palmed. " Thanks a lot Peter" Elsa said sarcasticly leaving the tree house.

" So what now" Jack asked clearly angry at his cousin. "Now we go to Shau-ling" Elsa sighed.


Anna screamed as soldiers searched their house. "I told you, we don't know where the prince is" Kristoff pleaded with the soldiers who flipped Elsa's bed. Anna grabbed the picture frame that was on the shelf and hid it behind her back.

"Please, what are you even looking for." Anna asked them. The king suddenly stepped inside and told them to search everywhere. Anna realized why Elsa hated royals so much, they only care about themselves.

"What's behind your back" Manny asked her. "Nothing" she replied quickly before a soldier grabbed the picture frame and threw it on the floor.

Anna screamed and knelt down at the broken glass. She gentle removed the picture of her, Kristoff and Elsa. "Keep an eye on them, we'll search somewhere else" the king said as four guards followed him and two remained.


Elsa saddled her horse. "Wasn't that guy handy" Jack laughed at his own joke. The guy who lent them the horses' name was Handy. Well at least his parents named him right. "Can yee stop it, it's getting irritating," Merida said covering her ears.

Elsa smiled and brushed the horse's mane. It was a long journey to Shau-ling and even a longer one to Arendelle. "So, what ya gonna name yee horse" Merida asked them. " Twiner," Jack replied. " I think I'll name him Nokk" Elsa said rubbing the white horse's side.

It was a buff white horse, when startled dangerous but when calm docile. It's mane had light baby blue highlights. It reminded her of a spirit.

She opened the map and laid it down. "If we pass through Berk we'll be at Shau-ling by the next sixth sunrise." She said pin pointing the location.

" Oh, I know someone in Berk" Jack shrugged casually. " He'll probably tag along, but" he trailed off. " But what" Merida asked " He has a pet, and by a pet I mean a dragon." He drew in the soil while Merida and Elsa looked at him.

"We'd better get going" Elsa said mounting her horse. " Thanks a lot Jerkson" Merida hit him. " Please, call me Jack" he said regaining his balance.


Hiccup slumped in his chair. His dad was still talking about how he'll have to become chief someday and a bunch of other stuff. "I know, I know" he said as his dad finished his speech.

Hiccup was greeted by a Night fury that was right outside the door. "Buddy, you know dad doesn't like it went the dragons come here" he patted it's head.

Hiccup watched Tuffnut and Ruffnut complain. And people think he had a wierd name. "Come on bud, let's go somewhere private." He said mounting the Night fury.

"Ruff day with the old man huh" Astrid said sitting beside the brunette that sat on the cliff. Her dragon Stormfly flew off to a distance. He nodded his head.

The Night fury bit his metal leg. "Toothless, let it go," Hiccup tried to shake the Night fury off him. "Fine, fetch boy" he said throwing the metal leg of the cliff and Toothless followed it.

"It can't be that bad" Astrid shrugged. Hiccup gave her an 'are you serious' look before Toothless came back with his leg and pushed it towards him. Hiccup got out a cloth and wiped it.

Hiccup put back on the leg before something caught his eye. "Hiccup, there's something I need to tell you" Astrid started as Hiccup stared at the two figures.

" Sorry but I need to go" Hiccup said jumping on Toothless and leaving her there. Astrid sighed and hopped on Stormfly. He obviously won't understand  her conscious told her as she flew back down to Berk.

Hiccup flew down and landed right in front of the three people. "Hiccup," Jack greeted while Toothless growled. Let's say Jack and Toothless weren't what you'd call the best of friends. "Jack what are you doing here and who are they" Hiccup said pointing at the platinum blonde and redhead.

How many introductions we're we going to go through he thought. He was about to open his mouth when Hiccup started talking. "Wait, are their names Merida and Elsa" he asked Jack. Jack's jaw dropped, how could he guess so well. I mean, how many people are named Elsa and Merida.

"They have on name tags" Hiccup said reading his thoughts and pointed at Elsa who gave Merida a name tag with her name written on it.

Jack got out a small stick with a G shaped end from his pocket and scratched his head. "What's that" Hiccup asked the silver white blonde. " This", Jack said refering to the stick, "it's a toothpick" he continued and then put the stick in between his teeth. Please forgive me, Twiner he though and smiled nervously.

Hiccup shrugged "So what ya doing here" he asked rubbing Toothless' head. " We're heading to Arendelle" Jack shrugged casually.

Hiccup choked on thin air and tried to regain his breath. "Looks like everyone has a  problem with Arendelle," Merida whispered to Elsa. Elsa's eyes became sad for a bit before looking back at Merida. She hummed in response.

"But why" she whispered barely audible.

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