Chapter 5

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"Do you wanna build a snowman" Elsa could hear Anna sing outside her door.

Come on let's go and play
I never see you anymore
come out the door
It's like you've gone away

Anna tried to look under her door. Elsa's room became colder.

We used too be best buddies
But know we're not
I wish you could tell me why

Anna dropped the dolls she was playing with and ran back to Elsa's door.

Do you wanna build a snowman
It doesn't have to be a snowman

She sang through the door's key hole. "Go away Anna" she yelled coldly. "Okay bye" she heard her sister sing sadly before she left.

The rays of the sun beamed on Elsa's face making her eyes flutter open. She groaned getting out of the bed that smelt like dragon. She hummed Anna's song brushing her hair when Merida came in her room screaming.

"Lass, yee gotta help me" she screamed entering Elsa's room. Elsa pulled a large stick from under the bed and aimed it at the open door. Toothless entered the room and Elsa giggled at Merida's silliness.

"It's just... umm what his name again... Toothless" she said snapping her fingers. Elsa rubbed the Night Fury's head. Toothless then sniffed Merida's hair and she grabbed the stick from Elsa.

Jack was walking past her door when his eyes landed on the Night Fury. He walked slowly trying to leave "Jack, help us out here" Elsa asked him then Toothless' head turned to him.

Toothless' growled at the silver white blonde. "H, he-hey Toothless'" Jack chuckled nervously as the dragon blared it's teeth at him.

"Toothless, that's not how you treat guests" A blonde with green eyes said shooing away the dragon. Toothless snapped at Jack before scurrying away.

"Sorry about him" she said and stuck out her hand. "Astrid Hofferson" she introduced herself. "Hey Astrid" Merida said shaking her hand. " Hic just sent me up here to fetch you guys." She said leading them downstairs where Hiccup was laughing and Jack's face was red, was he.......blushing.

"Oh hey guys" Jack said trying to distract Hiccup from the topic he was talking about earlier. An aroma filled her nose, a very strong one. "Mmm, I smell fish" Merida said sitting next to Hiccup. "Best in the kingdom" He said referring to the plates of deep fried fish. Elsa laughed as Merida stuffed her face with the fish.

"What," Merida asked innocently and the three laughed at the redhead. Elsa's eyes then shifted to Astrid, she looked worried .Elsa might not have known this girl but she could tell when someone is worried.

"Umm.... Hi-hi" she said trying to remember his name. "Hiccup" Jack said for her. "Yes, I think Astrid has something important to tell you" Their eyes landed on the shocked blonde who was playing with her fingers.

"It's not important" Astrid lied. "Okay" Hiccup gave Jack a concerned look, and Jack being Jack he just shrugged.

Elsa sat down opposite Astrid and she sighed. Boys can be so ignorant Elsa thought and played with her food.


Luna made her way to the door at the end of the hall that had little markings of a name. The two servants that had been standing at either side of the room made way for her.

Luna Frost was know for her kindness and simplicity, she never shouted or ordered anyone around. Her cyan blue eyes both comforting and dangerous at the same time were known to deceive the eye. No one knew what she spent most of her days doing, except those two servants.

"Mommy" a girl with brown eyes and hair jumped cheerly as her mother entered the room. She giggled as her mother scooped her up and nipped her nose. An old habit of hers.

"Emma, weren't you supposed to be reading your books." Luna scolded her youngest child.

Emma Frost had inherited her looks from her grandma, Emily Moon. Her brown eyes shined with excitement, for she always waited for her mother to show up at her door every morning.

"Mommy, I already read them. Their all boring" she lied and grabbed a nearby book flipping through the pages. The dark haired lady laughed at her daughter's ignorance. "Maybe it would help if the book was the right side up" she said turning the book over.

Emma blushed embarrassed. Her mother set her on her bed and brushed through her hair. "Mommy, why doesn't Jack visit me these days" she asked.

Luna seemed to have gone into a trance. She tried to separate her daughter from her son after she realized how close they had become. She wanted her daughter to be perfect, have a great state of mind, be cautious, understanding and obedient. Something her first born wasn't and after knowing that Jack had an effect on Emma, she separated the two afraid of her becoming like her brother.

"Jack's busy dear" she said stroking her daughter's hair. " Can he visit when his not busy," Emma asked after a long pause. " Sure thing sweety" she reassured Emma, unsure about it herself


Jack laughed watching Hiccup try to teach Elsa how to get on a dragon. They had been doing this for hours and still Elsa kept on falling off the poor dragon.

Elsa sent him a death glared immediately shutting him up. Hiccup winked at him noticing him and Elsa's interaction and made him remember what they had talked about earlier

---------Flash back-------------

Jack came downstairs after escaping Toothless thanks to that blonde girl. "So Jack" Hiccup said with a creepy smile on his face. "Yup" he bluntly replied taking a bite out of the apple that was in the basket.

"What's going on between you and Elsa" Hiccup asked clearly remembering how Jack helped her set up her room. Jack's cheeks became a tinted pink. "N-nothing" he stuttered. "Man Jack and here I was thinking you would be single forever when WHOOSH she arrives. Like a whisp" Hiccup was now bursting with laughter making his cheeks a deeper shade of red.

"Oh, hey guys" Jack said trying to change the subject as Elsa and Merida entered the room.

----------Flash back ends-------------

"Come on" Elsa yelled as she slid off the dragon once again. "Here, let me help" he said interlocking his hand and she put her bare foot on it. She was about to get on it before she slipped and fell.

Expecting to feel immediate pain, she opened her eyes and found herself staring at cyan blue eyes. Her crystal blue eyes peirced into his and her arms were rapped around his neck. He had caught her bridal style. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to watch where you step" he said cockily as some bits of his hair fell on his face.

"If you're don't being all romantic, can I teach here" Hiccup said making his presence aware. Their cheeks both flushed red as he put her down. "T-thanks" she managed to say. "No problem" he smirked regaining his posture. Elsa rolled her eyes playfully and put her hands on the dragon's back.

"YES" birds around the area flew away at her sudden outburst and the two boys chuckled. She had finally got on.

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