Chapter 6

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A green eyed girl with short brown hair ran towards the room marked dinning hall. "You guys started without me," she pouted entering the room. Her mother, Queen Arianna laughed at her daughter's attitude.

"Blondie, we'd chose food over anything" a brown haired guy with a goatee responded. " Eugene" she hit his shoulder playfully and sat down at the long dinning table.

Beside her, her father and mother involved themselves in a conversation. Rapunzel laughed as Eugene got a strand of spaghetti and used it as floss.

"Punzie we we're thinking-" her mom trailed off. Rapunzel knew that whenever her mom used her nickname, they'd talk about one thing. "No" she suddenly yelled catching them a bit off guard.  She walked out of the room leaving her plate untouched.

Arianna frowned, she knew this topic was delicate to Rapunzel. But her daughter needed to learn how to forgive and forget, eventually.

Rapunzel sat in the castle gardens on the edge of the fountain. Her heart was in a knot. "Blondie" she heard a voice above her. "Go away " she said turning her back to him. " Blondie, you can trust me" he assured the blonde sitting next to her.

"Her name was Elsa" She paused a bit like she was trying to forget. "She was special to me, she was my best friend, my teacher, my idol. Elsa was like a sister to me." Eugene heard her breath quiver.

"One  day when we had gone to visit her, we found out that she had left with her sister, Anna. Her dad didn't let us know where she was saying that she didn't want to worry anyone." She sobbed on his shoulder. She missed the platinum blonde, she missed her best friend.

"She didn't even say goodbye. At first I was sad but later on I realized that she didn't care, about me. So I refused to talk, think or even hear her name. She left without thinking about us so we wouldn't think about her" she continued and she could feel her blood boil at the mere mention of what Elsa did.

She swore herself that she wouldn't care about her but she couldn't help but think about where she was, what she was doing and if she was alright. Deep down she still cared for her, and it infuriated her that she would never stop caring.

She got up and ran inside the castle. No, she would forget her, she would never forgive the girl called Elsa.


Jack placed his remaining belongings inside his backpack. "You sure you wanna join us" he asked his best friend who was also packing his stuff. " I'd miss out on a chance for adventure" Hiccup put a fist over his heart and Jack chuckled a bit.

"If you die along the way, it's not my fault" Jack said remembering what happened the last time they snuck out, Hiccup went back home only a day after.

Hiccup shrugged and put on his metal leg. "Guys if yee don't packing up your princess dresses, I suggest we leave" Merida said and leaned against the door. Hiccup raced out the door closely followed by Jack.

Elsa tapped her foot impatiently. They had already wasted enough time already. "Umm Elsa," a voice said behind her. "Astrid, how can I help" she said turning to the blonde girl. " I was just wondering when you'll be back" Astrid said avoiding eye contact.

Elsa sighed, they had already wasted enough time here. It would take a week for them to return. "About a week" she said with concern on her voice. "Okay" Astrid said roughly, a bit too roughly. Elsa smiled, the blonde girl and her redhead friend we're quite similar. "We'll try to come back earlier" she said patting the girl's back.

Jack stood outside in a blue hoodie and brown pants and argued with Hiccup who was in his regular outfit while Merida shot arrows at a tree. Elsa tied her hair in a ponytail and straighted her baby blue dress.

"Who gave her that, I thought we left it at Cronatia" Elsa asked noticing Merida. "I brought it" she said aiming the arrow at another tree, " Okay, but is he shoeless" she asked pointing at Jack's bare feet.

Jack blushed a bit, it had become a habit of his to walk shoeless. "It more comfortable" he said wiggling his toes. Elsa shrugged and brushed Nokk with her fingers.

"Should we get going now" Hiccup said hopping on Toothless. " Wait, are you saying your going to be riding Toothless." Elsa asked him. " Yeah, why not" he said as a matter of factly. " Well what's the point of not drawing attention to ourselves if one of us is flying a freaking dragon" Elsa waved her hands frantically.

" Don't worry, I'll fly above you" Hiccup scratched Toothless' head. "Yeah princess, don't worry" Jack added on before she slapped him. He rubbed the cheek she had slapped. "Don't ever call me that again" she said angrily and got on Nokk. " Let's go" she ordered them.

Jack got on his horse and followed her. This girl really confused him, every girl he met fawned over him except her. On day one, she didn't even so much as look at him and now she slapped him across the face. Just for calling her princess.

Hiccup looked at his friend pitifully. Elsa really was a mystery, one no one but herself could solve.


Din got the packages he was to deliver and sighed. He got on his bike and started riding down the street. All he needed was the one thing that could help him find her again. "Thanks Din" Mrs Cheng said as he handed her her package.

Din stopped in front of an abandoned crash site. He checked his letter again, yup, this is the place. "Hello" he called out walking on some steps that led to a door on an unsteady platform.

"I am a god" a old man in a vest and underwear said. Din stepped on the side of the door and saw him seated on a chair with a banjo in his hand. "Yeah, I'm here to deliver fast food." He said pointing at the package.

" Take this , for you are pure of heart" he said giving him a tiny green Chinese tea pot. "I just need 7 dollars" Din pleaded with the man pushing the pot away. "I am a god" the man said again putting the pot in the dark haired boy's hand.

"You know what it's on me" he said giving the man the package and putting the pot in his bag. He turned to leave when he felt a small packet in his hand. "Wait you forgot th-" he trailed off when he realized that the man wasn't there anymore. "You know it's not the same without the hot sauce" the old man said appearing from behind him and taking the packet away.

Din peddled down the street thinking to himself. I made a promise long ago, and I'll finally fulfil it he thought and unbeknownst to him the tea pot glowed a bright green in his backpack.

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