Chapter 3

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Jack walked back to his room. A frown settled on his face, his father had been capturing innocent people on the street. His eyebrows knitted in anger. That's just wrong he thought before he saw a glimpse of light shine through the library.

His father had made it clear that the library was to be locked before sundown. The door squeaked as he pushed it open. The desk that stood next to the historical section was was scattered with papers. Someone had obviously been working here.

His eyes then landed on a letter engraved in golden designs. He opened it.


"Who are you" Elsa asked trying to peek under their coat. The person hung the keys back on the nail. "Come on we don't have much time. "  He said looking around the room for a bit. " Umm hello, did you hear my question." She added furious at her savior while they continued walking.

An arrow wissed past their head nearly hitting them. "She asked, what ya name is" the redhead said aiming the arrow at his head. He slowly removed his hood. White hair shone in the darkness. Elsa sighed.

They exited the dungeon and ended up in a dark corridor. "Pitch, were is Jack" they heard a voice yell. The boy looked at them worried. So his name is Jack  Elsa thought before a strand of her hair entered her eyes. A breeze filled the corridor, but how could that be their couldn't be any window nearby.

Elsa pulled a feather from her dress. She pointed it at the wall and moved forward. "Whatever ya doing ,hurry up" the redhead said in her thick Scottish accent as the voices came closer.

The hair of the feather blew a bit. Elsa's hands searched the wall, for sure the breeze came from here. Her hands reached the fire stand Pulling it forward, the wall shifted a bit and the moonlight and green surroundings peaked out. A secret passage.

Elsa passed through it first, followed the the redhead the Jack. The wall went back in place. "That was close" the redhead sighed. "Wait I didn't get your name" Elsa asked curiously.

" Merida, Merida Dunbroch" she said extending her hand out. "Elsa Aren- I mean Winters, Elsa Winters" she shook her hand.
" And I'm" Elsa cut Jack off. " Prince Jackson Overland Frost, we know".

Elsa walked down the narrow road that lead out the castle. He might have saved her but she wouldn't ask for help from a royalty. She heard him running up to her.

"Elsa, wait up" he said holding his knees to steady him as he panted. "How do you know my name?" Elsa asked him. He suddenly froze. Shoot he thought. "Umm don't you remember, Jonathan Potter" he chuckled nervously.

" But h-how, you don't have brown eyes or brown hair." She asked poking his hair to see if it would magically change. " Umm colouring and contacts" he said bringing out the can of dye and contacts. " How did you," she said grasping the contacts.

He put the contacts in his eyes and after one blink, his cyan blue eyes changed into brown ones. Elsa gasped "What sorcery is this" Merida yelled. He removed them out and his cyan blue eyes shone again.

Elsa sighed and walked down the road. "You coming" she asked the two who ran up to her. "So where we going" Merida asked. "Don't you have a place to go," Jack asked her. "Of course Frostbutt, but it's far away." She snapped at him.

" Since both of you have nowhere to go, you can stay with me" Elsa said separating the two. " But we have nothing to offer, " Merida reminded her before Jack covered her mouth.
"If Jackson freed both of us, he obviously needs us to repay him." She emphazied.

Merida sighed and glared at him. He raised his hands in defeat as they approached a small flat. Jack searched his pockets for the dye and contacts when Elsa waved her hands revealing them.

She threw them to him and he put them on. Merida rang the bell. "Elsa your back" Anna squealed before she noticed the two unknown people. "Who are those" Anna asked her sister.

"Merida, Jac-John this is Anna my sister," Elsa corrected herself. Anna's eyes widened. " Kristoff, Elsa's back and she has friends over" she yelled before running inside squealing.

"Your sister is nothing like you," Jack said casually making Elsa shoot him a glare. He simply shrugged sitting down. "Anyways why did you free us" Elsa popped up the question. Jack threw a letter on the table. "I need your help to deliver this letter." He ran a hand through his hair.

Elsa burst out laughing making Jack frown. "You've seriously never heard of sending it, you know through a post office" Elsa said in between her laughter. " The letters sent by royals to the post office are thearally checked" Jack told her like she was the dumbest person in the world. Seriously, even Merida knew that.

"Oh" Elsa mouthed aiming to pick up the letter. Jack snatched it before she could pick it. "Hey, I'm not helping you if I don't know what's in that letter, " Elsa pouted. " Hey, I helped you yet I didn't know you that well now you have to help me, no questions asked" Jack whined.

"Any one like a coffee," Anna said startling the three. " I would" Jack said. "But make it cold" Elsa smiled at Anna adding to his sentence.

"Okay" Anna giggled before leaving them. "So where are you delivering it to," Elsa asked. "Arendelle" he said shortly after Merida falling off the couch. She stared at him like he was crazy.

"Are you mad," Merida yelled. Elsa rubbed her temples. Why me she thought. " No questions asked" he repeated when Anna entered and handed him his coffee.


"Where is it," Manny asked himself as he searched frantically. He pulled a few documents off his desk. Could Jack have gone with it, if that was so then he knew. He knew what happened years ago.

Manny hit his fists on the table. No one should know, no one should ever know what she did. What Luna did.


Elsa packed her second last pair of clothes. Did she have to help him, to leave her perfect life, her family. She sighed, she owed him. For saving her and letting her see Anna again. But one thing wasn't clear, why would the king capture lonely people on the street.

She opened her curtains and bathed in the morning sun. She drew out her drawer and pulled out the golden locket. Her family picture.

She put the locket in her bag and went downstairs. "Umm Anna," she mumbled. "Yes Elsa" Anna said humming while eating her krumkake. "I'm going out of town for a while," she said making the strawberry blonde confused. " Okay, just stay safe" Anna hugged her sister. She was as worried as hell for her sister.

"Elsa, shall we get going," Jack said opening the door. "Coming," she said grabbing her suitcase from upstairs and carried it down shortly followed by Merida. Anna hugged her sister one last time and place a snowman figurine in her hand. Olaf, as she remembered it's name.

"Be careful out there, Elsa" Kristoff said hugging her. "Bye" she waved and exited the door. " You really love her don't you," Jack asked her the moment they were out. She nodded her head. "Yeah, I know how it feels" he said. "So where to next," Merida asked.

"A place called Neverland"

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