Chapter 2

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Jack watched the maids run around the kitchen. Why was he even here. "Meh You have to partake in the arrangements meh" he imitated what his father said three weeks ago. He walked out of the kitchen. " Sup Jack" a brunette said running towards him. "Hiccup, what ya doing here" Jack asked his best friend.

"Dad wanted to talk to the king today, so here I am" Hiccup emphasized. " Uggh, It's so frustrating" Jack groaned the moment the reached the library. " What, your corination" his friend asked.

" No, the arrangements" Jack sat down near the desk. " Come on, it can't be that bad, right" Hiccup joked, "Right" Jack rolled his eyes. "Why not just get some fresh air, you know sneak out, " Hiccup told Jack.

" Yeah, I guess so. " Jack said unsure. "Just do it next week" Hiccup put his hands behind his head. "That actually" Jack said kind of hyper. "HICCUP!" Someone called the brunette. "Okay see you soon, Jack" Hiccup said heading the direction the sound came from. " Yeah" Jack whispered.


"Elsa" Hal Gordon called the platinum blonde. "Yes minister" she said appearing into his office. "File these reports for me" he demanded bringing up a stack of files. " Yes sir" she lifted the papers and turned to leave. "Oh Elsa, those ones too," he pointed at the mountain of files. " Yes sir" she said pushing the stack out.

"Looks like it's gonna be a long day for you" Gerda said cleaning her office. "Yeah" the platinum blonde sighed. "Why not go out for a coffee," the elderly woman asked a bit excited. "Yeah, why not" Elsa replied grabbing her bag and leaving.

Elsa walked towards her favourite coffee shop when a boy surrounded by people blocked her way. "Sorry..... excuse me ......Pardon" she said making her way through the crowd. "It's the prince corination day next week" a girl read. " He probably won't be a great king " a guy whispered taking the newspaper a boy was handing out

Elsa rolled her eyes and made through the crowd before bumping into someone.

"Sorry" she apologized and turned heading to the coffee shop. "That's no way to apologise," a voice said behind her. The platinum blonde didn't even bother to turn around to see who it was.

"Hello, I'm talking to you" a brunette with brown eyes said running in front of her. "Yeah" she rolled her eyes attempting to leave when he put his hand in front of her.

"Hi, I'm John" he lied putting his hand out. Elsa slapped it away. "Elsa " she pointed at herself. Jack smirked irritatingly. If there was one thing Elsa Arendelle hated the most, was Royalty. They were so obnoxious, self absorbent and selfish. But Jack was making it the second most thing she hated the most.

She continued walked while he followed her. So I'm trying to find my way around here so-" Elsa cut him off. "Your going to become future king and you don't know your own way around your kingdom, way to go." She emphazied.

The boy was confused. How did she know he asked himself. "Your mistaken, I'm Jonathan Potter" he lied making up a name. Elsa scoffed and entered the coffee shop.

The bell rang when she entered the shop. "Two please" she told the receptionist. Jack scrunched his nose. What a small room he thought. "It's called a coffee shop" she told him. "I knew that" he said stirring his coffee. Jack spat out the liquid.

" What" Elsa asked. "So hot" he whined putting out his tongue. Elsa grabbed her coffee and headed out. " Where you going" he asked. "Excuse me, I don't even know you that well and your asking me where I'm going. I have better things to do." She replied coldly and turned down the street. Jack turned the way she went but never saw anyone walking down. Strange he thought.

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