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───── ❝ chapter twenty four ❞ ─────

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───── chapter twenty four ─────


"you're leaving us tomorrow already ... i can't believe this is actually about to happen." jake says as he pouts and gives me a tight hug.

"you better start taming yourself when it comes to your needs and wants while i'm gone." i said which made him laugh and let out a sigh.

"nahyunnieeee make sure to send photos and call us when you're free okay?" sunoo says as i nodded before i grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and other necessities that i still need to bring there.

"you guys better be good to each other okay? oh and i hope you guys will finally get into serious relationships next time." i said while making sure to face jake and jungwon which made heeseung burst out laughing and jake and jungwon look at each other with confused expressions.

"our time zones will be different right?" jungwon asked as i nodded before recalling the time difference between korea and italy.

"yeah because basically you guys will be ahead of me for 5 hours which means if it's 7pm in korea right now, it's 2pm (jAyWaYpEeEeEeEeEeEe) in italy." i answered as all of them went in awe before nodding.

"if you guys will ever miss me, don't hesitate to call or message me okay? we need to communicate as if we weren't so far away from each other." i added as i let out a hum.

"oh and i hope that you guys will do things that you gusys have never done before too!!" i said before letting out a sigh which made heeseung hum.

"wait a minute ... how come you're the only one that gets to scold us right now?" heeseung asked as i shrugged.

"you better make sure not to let yourself get messed with those pizza boys ... i've read things about them and most of them are bad news." jay says making me go in awe before i start teasing jay for actually caring about me.

"aishhh don't forget the main reason why you wanted to be there in the first place." jay added as i nodded.

"of course i won't, i don't even think i'm into italian guys you know?" i asked as they smirked.

"you do know that not everyone there is italian right? didn't you say you're going to an international school or something? that would mean there would be different kinds of people present there." sunghoon says before i nodded and rolled my eyes.

"i was only referring to italian guys because jay was just talking about pizza boys ..." i said which made all of us laugh.

"what? what's so funny about what i said earlier?! i was just concerned about her you know?" jay yelled as sunoo hits him.

"aish there you go again with your short temper ..." sunoo says making jay go in awe before nodding and crossing his arms together.

"if you happen to be seeing a guy no matter if he's italian or not, we need to know about him okay?" jake adds which made me nod.

"alright alright geez what's with all the reminders." i said as i couldn't help but frown.

"you should make sure that you know what you're drinking from parties or bars or else you'll be in the same situation as yoonji and hyejin but without us which means you'd be all alone and there will be bad people that will take advantage of your drunken state." heeseung says with a smirk on his face as he made sure to emphasize yoonji and hyejin whilst facing jake and jungwon which made me hit his shoulder playfully before laughing.

"yah, stop that." i whispered to heeseung as he shrugs and laughs.

"make sure to use sunscreen out there okay? the weather's way different here and that skin cancer is pretty common there." ni-ki says as he shows his phone which is the article about the skin cancer statistics at italy.

"awwww that's sweet of you." i said as i start pinching ni-ki's cheek which made him start trying to make me stop.

"by the way ... do you guys think eunjin will come here tomorrow morning before i leave?" i asked after remembering eunjin and what happened two days ago with her as they start looking at each other since they're waiting for someone to speak up.

"eyyyy stop worrying about her, if she doesn't show up tomorrow then it means she still doesn't know when to accept your decision." sunghoon says as i couldn't help but let out a sigh just thinking of tbe last time eunjin and i spoke to each other which was pretty darn bad.

"i think that i was too harsh towards her ..." i started before sitting down.

"she never texted or called me for the whole day yesterday and even today so do you guys think she's mad at me?" i asked as jay grabs the top of my shoulders.

"you're acting like her right now if you aren't aware, stop saying things like that." jay says as i just stared at him without saying anything since it seemed like he still had some things to say.

"you weren't too harsh on her because she clearly deserved to hear all of the things you've always wanted to say to her before, it's-" but before jay could finish, his phone starts ringing which made him stop talking to take his phone out as he lets out a sigh.

"i'm gonna have to take this right now." jay says as i just nodded and watched him go out.

"finish what i was about to say i guess??" jay says which made me turn around to face the other guys again as their brows are furrowed right now.

"i don't really think if anyone here would be able to know what he was about to say so ..." jungwon starts before laughing.

"make sure to have fun while you're there even when it comes to your studies?" jungwon says as i nodded.

"yeah yeah of courseee."

"oh and by the way, you guys better stop giving jay, jungwon, and heeseung a hard time okay?" i said which made heeseung and jungwon start nodding while crossing their arms to the other boys.

"but jay is always the one giving us a hard timeeee he gets mad at everything even though his reasons aren't even valid." sunghoon says which made me start laughing.

"shhh, he might hear all of us here." i said as i gestured a shush.

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