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───── ❝ chapter thirty ❞ ─────

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───── chapter thirty ─────


where were the two of you?
you guys were supposed to
come here hours ago!!

oh please, she hasn't even awaken
yet which means we're way ahead
of the time we should be coming here

way ahead of the time? no!!

you guys have been slacking
off and you've been getting on
my nerves lately!!

hey, stop yelling at us you're just
going to make us feel like we always
owe something from you even though
that is not and will never be the case

oh but you guys actually do, i'm
always the one that's  responsible
for everyone around here but you guys
would keep disregarding all of the things
that i've done for you!!

yah, i think she just woke up!!


oh okay i almost forgot about her

get out you guys, let me take it from

"eunjin, wake up." someone says which made me go back to closing my eyes out of fear that these guys are going to do something to me.

"you're clearly just forcing yourself to look like you're still unconscious, wake up." he says which made me open my eyes and look around just to see that i'm all alone with this jay guy.

"what did i even do to- where's chloe?" i asked as he suddenly started laughing which made my brows furrow out of confusion.

"everything about you is literally pathetic." he says which made me realize something ...

the flight!!

"YAH!! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE AIRPORT TODAY TO SEE NAHYUN FOR THE LAST TIME SHE'S GOING TO BE- YAH, WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO YOU TO KEEP ME IN LIKE THIS?!" i yelled as he suddenly leaned in and then started tracing my now tied up state.

"i was expecting you to start crying already but atleast i get to talk to you without holding myself not to laugh." he says as i couldn't help but gulp.

"why would i start crying when i can easily get back to you with this one by reporting you to the police? i clearly know your face and your name." i said while try to hide the fact that i'm literally so dang scared by the current situation i'm in.

"ummmm you sure about that?" he asked as i nodded.

"i may not be able to get out of here as fast as i want it to be but i do know that i WILL and CAN get out of here on my own." i said as his brows furrowed before he laughs.

"do you actually think i'm going to keep you here for a long time or something? pfft why would i keep holding you hostage here for a long time? i am not and i don't think i'll ever think of doing that." he says which made me speechless as i'm just thinking of reasons why this guy tied me up in here ...

"no one's going to start looking for you anyways which means i get to do anything that i want to do to you right now ... anything." he says before he suddenly raised his hand which made me flinch.

"w-why would you think that? you don't even know me." i said even though in reality i also don't think anyone's going to bother looking for me in here.

literally no nahyun nor mrs. im, literally the only two people that genuinely care about me.

"you don't even know how much i actually know about you though? but what the both of us should know by now id that you don't know me enough to "report" me to the police." he says which made me furrow my eyebrows.

is he trying to make fun of me right now? the police can literally track anyone out here ... well atleast that's what i heard.

"what do you mean? aren't you jay? i know how you already look like right now and i know that you have two friends named ni-ki and jake ..."

"i haven't seen the jake guy yet but you guys mentioned him while you were talking and i do know ni-ki since he literally talked to me first and-"

"and?" he asked cutting me off which made me scoff.

"what do you mean and? i already know how the three- oh okay i meant i already know how the two of you look like and i know that i can use that to my advantage o-once i get out of here and then i-i'll just have to leave the rest to the professionals." i said as he suddenly starts clapping.

"you look so hopeless right now that you're even stuttering with your words ..."

"but i like seeing you like that so why don't i keep leaving you here like this for the meantime?" he says as he turns around and slowly walks away even after i haven't even asked him a question that i wanted to ask after the things that he told me earlier.

"wait!!" i yelled which made him turn around with  that smug look on his face.

damn it i wanna hit him so badly.

"may i know the reason why i'm even here in the first place? it's not like telling me will help me escape or give out information about you or your other people i guess?" i asked as he lets out a hum of hesitation before nodding.

"you can of course but you're gonna have to wait for later since now's not exactly the right time." he says before he actually got out of the room just to leave me in this really really dark and halloween-looking-esque environment around me.

"i forgot to ask about the time ..." i said to myself out of regret before giving myself a facepalm.

my bag full of my stuff is literally not even here with me while i'm tied up and held hostage at some creep's house or whatever this place is, this room doesn't have any window or whatsoever, i'm literally so hungry right now, i wasn't able to see nahyun before she left for italy even though i'm still pretty hurt about everything between the two of us, that girl i had just met was probably also taken by him or maybe even them as well and- wait wait wait ... so where is chloe?

did jay take her too?

wait no, who is chloe? is she even the same person that i've been talking to?

why am i even here? what did i even do?

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