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───── ❝ chapter thirty one ❞ ─────

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───── chapter thirty one ─────


"so you actually locked her up in there?" jungwon asks while coming in holding a bowl of milk which made me stare at him while i'm putting on socks.

"are you gonna start drinking milk like the cat that you are?" i teasingly asked jungwon which made him look at me with his brows furrowed.

"so you're back to being super consistent with work huh? and right now you're already preparing to go even though you still have like lots and lots of time to do all of that ... i'm so proud of you right now." he asked as i nodded.

"i've always loved working there, it's so fun, chill, and- oh by the way, did chloe mention where she's heading to?" i asked as jungwon shook his head no.

"hey did chloe mention where she's heading to or nah?" i asked as everyone either shook their heads no or just remained silent while minding their own business which made me sigh.

"let me remind you that she's already taken by soobin who is literally one of our friends." he says all of the sudden which made my eyes widen as i start shaking my head and hands no.

"i already told you guys that i really am not attracted to her that way so stop doubting how close the two of us areeee." i said as i start fixing my hair while i'm seeing jungwon take out a bucket of maltesers and then he suddenly starts pouring some of them onto the bowl of milk which made me turn around to face him with a shocked look on my face.

"what in the world is that?" i asked as he stands up and grabs a spoon to use for him to devour it which me gasp.

"try it, i've seen a lot of people casually eat this for asmr purposes and of course views on youtube." he says as he scooped two choco balls and then suddenly fed me with it.

"hmmm, i didn't really expect much since this is literally just actual milk with milk chocolate malt balls on top of it but it's actually not that bad i guess?" i said before laughing as he starts eating more of them which made me uwu.

"by the way, why were you asking whether or not chloe asked where she was heading to a couple of minutes ago?" he asked as i couldn't help but laugh.

"it's because she kept talking about how much she wants to set me up with one of her friends cuz she thinks we're a match or something and awhile ago she literally told me that i should make sure to keep looking fine as hell all the time which would mean she's hinting about me getting set up with her friend really soon right?" i asked as jungwon hums thinking of what other things she could say to me since he probably doesn't even know what to tell me right now.

"and how is that a problem for someone like you? you've had tons of flings and i just know that you've already had tons of experiences when it comes to girls so again, how is getting set up with a girl a bad thing for someone like you?" he asked which made me frown.

"it would clearly be different this time you know?? chloe and i are pretty close so if i ever get interested with her friend one time but then i suddenly don't want to deal with her anymore, you know that she would definitely kill me right?" i asked as he nods.

"well of course yeah cuz if the roles were switched up, i would also make sure to do the same for you since i wouldn't want you to get hurt i guess." he says before laughing as i let out a hum while thinking of the possibilities of me messing with my friend's friend and then possibly getting hated right after since i'm not even the type to get into serious relationships since i prefer flings but oh well ...

"what? it's not like she'll be able to get out of there anytime soon!!" jay yells all of the sudden which made me turn around to face his direction as he's actually talking to sunoo right now.

"people will come looking for her, i swear," sunoo says which just made jay laugh.

"haven't we all heard of her little pathetic backstory enough? she literally has no one to come looking for her so i don't get why you're reacting like that."

"were you in on this?" i asked jungwon as he nodded.

"all of us are." he says as i just let out a sigh.

"didn't hyejin and yoonji say that they genuinely want to be friends with eunjin? i think that they will find out about this someday." i said as he shrugs and goes back to facing jay and sunoo who are still creating a really really weird atmosphere around them.

"anyways, i should get going now to work." i said before standing up and then slowly walked out of the house without saying bye to the others anymore since the others were also just staring at sunoo and jay while they're arguing since they're not agreeing with each other right now i guess.

"i'm surprised she hasn't even tried screaming for help because usually they would do that right after waking u- dang i guessed that right." i said after hearing eunjin start screaming from inside.

i have a bad feeling about jay's little plan to be honest but eh i'll just let him be i guess ...

jay has made some dumb choices but then he's great at getting himself out of trouble most of the time so i should start having a little bit more faith towards him.

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