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What is love? Love has three kinds.

The 'if' love.

'If' you are nice then I love you.
'If' you are pretty I love you.
'If' you succeed, I'll love you
'If' you are trustworthy, I'll love you.

Then there's the 'because' kind of love

I love you 'because' you're kind.
I love you 'because' you're fun.
I love you 'because' you are perfect.
I love you 'because' you are beautiful.

And then here is the last. The 'inspite of' kind of love.

I love you 'inspite of' your failures.
I love you 'inspite of' your flaws.
I love you 'inspite of' your miserable past.
I love you 'inspite of' your weaknesses and your faults.

A true love is where the person does not base on your looks, failures and past. A true love is where the person is looking at your inner self. Looking at the real you. Where he/she would accept you for who you really are in the inside.

The one who will remove that tough shell surrounding your heart. The one who will make you feel safe and secured. The one who can always make you happy and contented. The one who will make you feel complete and perfect. Lastly, The one who will make you feel special everyday.

That's true love.

Love does not have any reasons. You love a person with no reason? That's true love.

If you love her because of her body and features, That's not love. That's lust.

If you love her because she is intelligent or can do almost everything, That's not love. That's admiration.

If you love her because she will cry when you leave, That's not love. That's pity.

But if you love her with no reason, That's love. Because love has no reasons because in your eyes, she/he is perfect because you already know her flaws, imperfections and failures.

That is what love means.


💜Jisoo x Seokjin 💙

💜Jisoo x Seokjin 💙

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💜Jisoo x Suho 💛

💜Jisoo x Jinyoung 💟

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💜Jisoo x Jinyoung 💟

💜Jisoo x Jinyoung 💟

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Comment Your Ship <3

- If you are a JinSoo, JinJi or JiHo shipper please learn to respect other ships!

- This is a JinSoo Fan Fiction so if you don't want it you can leave my book.

- Stop with hate comments.

- This is just a fan fiction some of the informations about the idols are true and some are false.

- All of them is good so don't hate Blackpink, EXO, Got7 and BTS.

- I love these idols so love them too! The antagonist is good too.

- Please avoid plagiarism. This is my book with originality.

Author's Note :
Hi! I am PikaChicoo! I will put the word count starting now and please if you have questions about my story, Just comment it. I will reply. That's all Thank You! Enjoy your read!

End of Prologue

Word Count : 480

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