Chapter 8

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It's been 3 days since they talked because of busy schedules. Seokjin cleaning the cafeteria and practicing for the Basketball Semi-Finals Game. While Jisoo is busy for studying, not letting her parents down.

Jisoo is walking at the park. She is looking at her cellphone, Not minding the people around. Until she bumped into something. She looks up to see a guy with a wet shirt because his drink got spilled on him because she bumped into him.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Jisoo immediately reacted.

"O-Oh.. No its alright miss." He said as he grab his handkerchief and trying to wipe off the drink.

They both sat on a bench.

"I am sorry! Let me take you to lunch if you want or is there anything you want? I'll get it for you! I am really sorry" Jisoo said.

The guy chuckled. "If I want something, It might be your name" He said and smiled. "Oh.. Is that all? Don't tell me you'll hunt me down after this?! And kill me and my family?! No no don't please I am sorry! I'll do anything!" Jisoo said with a worried face.

"You're funny. My name is Kim Suho. How about you?" He asked. "O-Oh. My name is Kim Jisoo" She said.

"Since you owe me one, Let's grab lunch. Treat me" He said. "What a gentleman" Jisoo murmured.

"What?" He asked. Pretending he didn't hear anything.

"I-I said sure!" Jisoo said in a panicky voice.

"Are you sure? You don't want to eat to a fancy restaurant?" She asked. Suho asked her if she could take her to a rice cake store and eat there.

"What? Does it looks like I am kidding to you?" He asked making Jisoo shiver in fear.

"Don't be scared, I don't bite" He said and chuckled.

"I just uh.. You know, thought that you're a picky eater since your shirt looks like its worth more than my life. In short it looks like its expensive" Jisoo said making Suho laugh. She was confused.

"Dang, Clothes are nothing to me. I am rich but money is not important, being kind is." He said and smiled. Jisoo was fluttered.

After they eat Suho took Jisoo home and even exchanged numbers because they're 'friends' now.

"So~ Who's that boy? Are you replacing Seokjin Oppa?" Jennie asked. "Sh! Of course no! He is my friend and Seokjin is just a friend too!" She whispered.

"Really? Your eyes is saying something differently" She said and chuckled.

"I don't like Jin okay?" I said.

"I didn't even say anything" Jennie said and laugh more.

"Tch! Do your homework alone then!" Jisoo said.

"Wait wait! Nooo! I am sorry! Help me with math!" Jennie begged.

"Where is Mr. Seokjin?" The teacher asked as all of the students looks at the empty seat at the back.

"Uh.. Sorry Prof, Hyung's not going to be here today. He is sick" Jimin said.

"Oh.. Okay then. Let's start our lesson about History" The teacher said.

'He is sick?' Jisoo thought

'How did he even get sick?'

'Is it because he work too much? Did he forve himself to practice? Did he ckean way too much? Wait. Why do I care?!' Jisoo asked herself. After an hour of having thoughts about Seokjin, classes ended.

"Unnie aren't you going home? Our driver is over there" Jennie said and points at the other direction.

"Uh, I'll be home late tonight. I have something to do" Jisoo lied.

"Oh, Okay. I'll tell mom and dad" She said and bid her goodbye.

While Jisoo? She took a cab and went to his house.

*ding dong* the doorbell rang as the maid opened the door.

"Oh, Ms. Jisoo right? What do you need?" She asked. "Ah, Yes Mrs. Park. Is Seokjin here? I just want to pay a visit." Jisoo said. "Ah, Yes. Come in. His Dad told me to treat you like his daughter since you're Seokjin's friend" She said and smiled. Jisok smiled back.

Mrs. Park told me where his room is so I go there and knocked at the door. No one answered.

Jisoo opened the door and not expecting to see Seokjin in his bed, laying down and coughing.

"You look terrible" That's the first thing she said. Seokjin was shock to see her there. "Jisoo? What are you doing here?. Wait, You're just a dream right? Get away from me. I want the real Jisoo" He said making Jisoo more shock.

She just go near him and put her hand on his forehead. "I am reak d*mb*ss" Jisoo said with a smirk.

"Okay, What do you want?" He asked. "Nothing. Just checking you. I heard from Jimin that you're sick. So you know. I am curious so I went here" She said.

"Curious or Worried?" He teased. "F*ck you" Jisoo said and raised her middle finger up. Seokjin laughs weakly. "You look ugly when you're sick. Wait here." Jisoo said as he leave Seokjin to go to Mrs. Park.

"Mrs. Park, Do you have medicineds for a flu? And can I use the kitchen?" Jisoo asked. "Ah, Yes of course. Here's the medicines you want" Mrs. Park said.

Jisoo went to the kitchen and cook a chicken soup.

After that she went back. "What took you so long?" He asked. "Stop asking and eat. Then drink this medicines. I am not going home not until you get better" Jisoo stubbornness showed.

"Okay okay." Seokjin said as he raised his hand as a sign of surrender.

'She is worried after all hm?' Seokjin thoughtand smiled at himself while Jisoo is asking him why he is smiling and that it is making her spine feel shiver.

End Of Chapter 8

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