Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

Jisoo are eating their food in the cafeteria since it's lunch time.

"So, What's with the papers in your lockers?" Jennie asked.

"It was BTS who did it." Jisoo admitted.

"What?!" Jennie asked as she slam the table. Everyone looks at us.

"I am sorry students, Please continue eating" Jinyoung said.

"Oh my god his voice is so- ugh" A girl whispered.

Jinyoung is also popular when it comes to academics and girls. He is the smartest in the school no wonder girls fall for him. He also have the looks and money but he is not sporty as you think.

"So, As I am saying. It was BTS?! They are doing that again..?" Jennie asked.

"Doing what?" Jisoo asked.

"Project Art. It is their so-called plan where they will prank students to make them leave the school. Only those who mess with their leader, Seokjin, will experience that kind of sh*t" Lisa said as she continue to eat her burger.

"So Jisoo's the bew target huh?" Rosè asked. "I guess so" Jisoo answered.

Jisoo is in the hallway, Walking because she is going to her class. She have her books with her. Jisoo walk passed a stairs then suddenly when Jisoo was beside the stairs Jisoo felt a sticky liquid in her head. When she touched

'it.. It was glue?!' She thought.

Then she heard a giggle. She look up and saw Taehyung, Seokjin, Jungkook and Jimin.

Seokjin raised his left eyebrow before saying 'what' to me.

'D*mb*ss heartless jerk.' she thought

Jisoo just walk away. She was pissed off.

She am in the school's shower room. My friends are outside considering Jinyoung. Jennie is inside the bathroom waiting for me to finish bathing again and removing this glue sh*t.

After Jisoo finished Jisoo wore Jennie's spare outfit because I don't have one. Jennie's spare outfit is a skirt though so Jisoo look like this :

 Jennie's spare outfit is a skirt though so Jisoo look like this :

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"Aish. Why don't we just prank him back. But it should be more intense" Jennie said.

"Look Jennie, If a stranger is doing something bad, they might have reasons to be like that. Remember what mom told us before when I got bullied?" Jisoo asked.

"All bad guys have reasons for their actions" They said in unison. "We will just tell this to the Principal" Jennie said.

We are now in the Principal's Office. He is lecturing Seokjin. "Mr. Kim. That behavior is the worst thing a student will do. Did you know that bullying can affect someone's life that can lead to death?" The Principal said with a mad tone.

"Call your parents." The Principal said.

"Wait.. Wait no please. Don't call my dad." He begged.

"Then your mom" The Principal said. Seokjin stopped.

"My.. Mom is in a coma. Please, Just give me a task to complete" He said.

"Okay then, Clean the cafeteria for three days" The Principal said.

'Is this his true self? Scared of his dad and is near to lose his mom?' Jisoo thought.

"I will sir, Thank You" He said.

"I am sorry for what I have done Jisoo. Please forgive me." He said before bowing.

Seokjin's POV

"I heard you were task to clean the cafeteria for three days" Jimin said.

"Yeah.. I just accepted it because if I didn't, they will call dad." I said.

"You made the right choice" Taehyung said.

"Of course, It's Kim Seokjin. The Basketball Captain, The Handsome and the Smartest of all!" Jimin said. I chuckled.

We are now in class. The teacher arranged us into two groups because there will be a project. He told us to present about Bullying.

"And.. Lastly, Kim Jisoo will be paired up with Kim Seokjin" Professor said.

I just didn't say anything while I saw Jisoo ranting abput it to her friends.

"Class Dismissed" Professor said. I grabbed my books, pen and paper and left the room.

I go to the locker room and put it all back there.

Then I closed my locker and look beside me. I was startled when I saw Jisoo there with her arms crossed.

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Project, Where do we do it?" She asked.

"What about my house?" I asked.

"Okay, 4 PM" she said before walking away.

Little did she know that this guy is not fully sorry. But will she able to change him when she tells him something?

End Of Chapter 4
Word Count : 744

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