Chapter 3

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Pranks of the King
Third Person's POV

After what happened yesterday, Seokjin is pissed off. It was the first time someone stood up about his attitude.

"Jin." a voice called. Seokjin looks up and saw his coach standing in front of him.

"Yes coach?" He asked. "Look at this" Their coach said as he give the phone and played the video. It was..

"So, You are the new Captain of Gattlin University. The name is Kim Suho right?" The reporter in the video asked

"Yes" The guy in the video said.

"So, This year it will be Stevard vs Gattlin. What would you like to say to your opponent?" The Reporter asked.

"Oh, Last year you beat us.. But this year, We will do our best to win the Finals, Stevard." Suho said and smiles.

Seokjin gave back the phone to their coach. "So..?" The coach asked. "You can go home now coach.." Seokjin said since he know that his coach needs to take care of his sick wife.


Everyone was tired and frustrated but they need to follow him because they know that Seokjin is only doing this for the school to win this year.

"He is too hard-working" Taehyung said to the guy beside him named Min Yoongi.

"He is." Yoongi said and Taehyung sighed.

Meanwhile, At Jisoo's house. They are eating dinner.

If you are wondering, Jisoo's family is rich too. But their house is not that big. Their house is fit for 10 people with 15 rooms including the main rooms.

While they are chewing Jisoo and Jennie are telling about their day.

"And then I punch that jerk!" Jisoo said. Their mom and dad laughed.

"I heard the more you hate, the more you love" Their mom teased.

"Mom!" Jisoo said.

"Just eat you two, Bulgogi will be cold." Their dad said as they chuckle.

"Arghhh!" Jisoo said as she is scrolling through her phone in Facebook. They have a group there named 'Stevard University - Stevardians' for all of the students in the University.

She saw that her, Seokjin and her punch is trending. But the comments and posts aren't good.

Jisoo is pissed off but she just shrugged it off because who cares?

She just sighed and started to text Jinyoung since they are now close and learned that they have a lot in common.

Hey Jinyoung, still awake?

Yeah, Do you need anything?

Oh.. Nothing much. I am just bored.

Oh, But I am doing something.. But of course you are important so I can accompany you.

They texted until 2 AM. The next morning.

Seokjin is at the gym. Practicing alone.

'I need to practice. We have to win.' He thought.

Then he heard the door of the gymnasium opened.

He look back and saw Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Oh hey guys" He greeted.

Seokjin, He isn't the mean type when it comes to friends. But he do like to bully who get in his way.

"Hyung! Guess what! I now know how you will get back to that Jisoo!" Jimin said. "How?" he said as he shoot a three points.

"You know.. Same thing on what we do to the other students before who got in your way?" Jimin said.

"Okay. Project Art Open" He said as he shoot a two points this time.

"Okay! I'll tell them" Jimin said as he open his phone and chat to a group.

"Done hyung~ We'll have a meeting in 1 hour" Jimin said.

"Okay." Seokjin said.

It's been an hour. They are now in a vacant room. Jimin is in front.

"Okay guys! Jin Hyung opened this project to get rid of Jisoo! Since we all know that she nearly ruined our World Wide Handsome's face. So I suggest you know.. Pranks." Jimin said.

"Okay then. What will we do?" A girl asked.

"Seulgi my dear, You know we will do the same thing we did to the others before. Pranking until they give up" Jimin said.

In the room there are 7 people. There are Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Seulgi, Wendy and Sana.

"Okay then. We're in" All of them said while Seokjin was just quiet. Thinking about Jisoo's fierce face he saw after she punched him.

"Jin Hyunggg!" Jimin called for the fifth time. "Oh.. Uh.. Yeah? Sorry I dozed off" Seokjin said.

"Who were you thinking?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing. Just continue." Seokjin said.


"The plan is to surpruse her with a lot of papers or so-called trash cause she looks like that." Jimin said.

'Ugh' Seokjin thought.

Jisoo is walking through the hallway. She opened her locker. She was shock to see trash and crumpled papers inside her locker.

'Who the f*ck did thi-'he thought got cut off when she saw four boys on the railings of the stairs.

'BTS' she thought before closing her locker with so much force making Jimin got goosebumps. But Jimin, Being dumb, he didn't know the meaning of Jisoo glaring and shutting her locker with that force.

'This is just the start.. Jisoo' Seokjin thought before smirking evily.

End of Chapter 3
Word Count : 880

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