Chapter 23

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"I am nervous!" Rose exclaimed.

"Jisoo.. Where's Jennie? She's late" Lisa said.

"Maybe they are on their way." Jisoo said and smiled.

"Good Morning Students! Today we are gathered for a very special event that everyone wishes to experience! Graduation Day!" The host started.

"Let's start with a prayer" The host said.

Everyone stood up and then it starts to pray.

Jisoo is getting more and more anxious.

'where are they..?' she thought.

As the ceremony goes on, She was becoming more and more nervous, worried and anxious.


"Lalisa Manoban" the host called.

They are starting to get their Diplomas and more. Rose started to calm Jisoo down.

"Kim Jisoo" the host called.

Jisoo got shock and immediately stood up.

When she reached the stage, she got the Diploma and started to hand shake.

"Where's your mom?" Her Professor whispered.

"Jennie and My mom is still not here Prof." Jisoo said so her professor was the one who put the medals on her.


"Woohoo! We finally graduated! Damn we can do whatever we want now!" Lisa shouted.

"Jisoo.. I am sure they are fine. But try calling their phones" Rose said.

Jisoo is worried as hell now. She can't stay in one place.

Then she saw the three boys waiting for her. Then suddenly she got a clue.

Her answer.

She went to them.

"Have you decided who to pick now?" Suho asked.

"I.. I choose..-" she got cut off when her phone rings.

She immediately grab it and saw the caller's id. 'Eomma'..

She answered the call.

"Eomma! I've been worried! Where are you-" she got cut off when she heard sobs.

"Hello? Eomma? Are you okay?" Jisoo asked.

"Eonnie.. it's me Jennie.."

Jisoo got shocked.

"Hey.. hey why are you crying? Is everything okay?" Jisoo worriedly asked.

"Eonnie.. Eonnie I am sorry!" She shouted.

"Huh? Sis. Why are you saying sor-"

"Eomma is dead!"

Jisoo was stunned. Like she just jumped on a pool filled with cold water and ice.

"Not a good joke Jennie." Jisoo said.

"I am serious! We're on the way for graduation.. But then someone tried to kill me. Eomma helped me but she got killed instead of me. Believe me Eonnie!" Jennie explained while sobbing.

Jisoo's knees weakened as she fell down on her knees.

"Jisoo are you okay?!" Rose, Lisa, Jimin, Suho, Jinyoung, Seokjin, and Jungkook called.

Everyone gathered to help her up.

Jisoo's tears were forming.

"What is the hospital's name?!" I asked.

"Rosemary Hospital" Jennie said.

Jisoo immediately end the phone call as she started to run away.

Her friends followed her but she got in the car and started it. She started to drive so her friends took their cars and followed her.


"Where is she?!" Jisoo asked as she grabbed Jennie's collar which made her friends shock.

"Inside.. I am so sorry Eonnie I didn't-" Jennie got cut off when Jisoo immediately hugged her tight.

"Y-You aren't mad..?" Jennie asked with a shock face.

"Why would I. You're my sister and I shouldn't be mad. Instead I should be happy that you are safe." Jisoo said as she caress Jennie's cheeks and removed tears on her cheeks.

They went inside.

They saw their mom's body getting covered in white sheets.

Jisoo was trying hard not to cry and breakdown. But she failed.

She started to cry harder than before and fell down on the floor.

Her friends was comforting her and Jennie.

'What kind of Graduation Gift is this?!' she thought as her vision started to become black because of stress and tiredness.

End Of Chapter 22
Word Count : 603

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