Chapter 19

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Jisoo was about to stand up and walk out of the room when suddenly Jennie called her.

"Unnie wait!" Jennie called. "Hm?" Jisoo hummed in response.

"Do you think there's pain in there?" Jennie asked and points out the moon.

Jisoo smiled. "I don't know. I see, You still want to become astronaut hm?" Jisoo asked. Jennie smiled and nods. "Then once you become an Astronaut, Why don't you bring mom and me to see the moon too?" Jisoo asked.

"Of course." Jennie said and smiled.


It's been three days, Jennie is okay in the last few days but today, She is feeling down once again.

Jinyoung, Jisoo, Rosè, and Lisa tried asking her about it. But she always reply 'I'm fine' or 'I'm okay' but she really isn't looking okay.

Jisoo is walking at the hallway when she saw Jennie at the lockers. She immediately grab her wrist and drag her in the field.

"Unnie, What do you need?" Jennie innocently asked. "Tell Me. I know there's something wrong. What is it?" Jisoo asked.

"It's nothing okay? I am alright-" Jennie got cut off by Jisoo. "Your eyes are saying the opposite!" Jisoo shouted.

Jennie got shocked.

"Okay, I just.." Jennie said trying to find the words and sighed.

"I saw Dad. With another woman yesterday at the park near our school" Jennie blurted out.

"Taehyung left this morning and he is going to study at states!" Jennie added.

Jisoo looked at her. "Stop thinking about dad can you?" Jisoo whispered. "I can't" Jennie said.

"And you have phones so you can communicate" Jisoo said. "I know but. He doesn't like long distance relationships. He just broke up with me by saying those words!" Jennie said.

"Unnie, I feel horrible. I pity myself." Jennie said.

"Don't be, You still have us. We aren't going to leave you" Jisoo said. Jisoo hugs her and kissed Jennie's forehead.

A few minutes after hugging Jisoo feels like something is not right. Jennie's quiet.

Jisoo stopped hugging her and let her go. At that moment, Jennie nearly fell down. Jisoo noticed that Jennie is unconcious.

She immediately held her sister's waist and put Jennie's left arm around her nape and started to walk to the nurse's office.


"How's my sister?" Jisoo asked. "She is fine, She just fainted because of pressure. Did she eat this morning?" The nurse asked. "I.. No" Jisoo said.

"When she woke up, Make her eat a lot. She is lacking of minerals then she is stressed because she is pressuring herself." Nurse said.

"Okay, Thank you" Jisoo said.

The nurse left.

Jisoo look at her unconcious sister.

"I should have look after you. I thought you'll be okay" Jisoo said and sighed.



Jisoo looks behind her to see Jennie sitting up.

"Where am I?" Jennie asked. "You're at the Clinic. You fainted while telling me everything" Jisoo said and started to prepare the food she bought from outside.

"Hey Jen"

Both girls looks at the door to see Seokjin. "Oh hey Oppa, Need something?" Jennie asked.

"Nothing, We just heard the news that you fainted. You know how fast a news can spread here right?" Seokjin aaid and chuckled.

"Let me help you prepare those" Seokjin said when she saw Jisoo preparing a lot.

"Unnie, That's a lot" Jennie said.


The three of them look at the door to see Lisa running towards Jennie. Behind her is Rosè.

"Are you okay Jen?" Lisa asked worriedly. "Stop acting like I lost a body part or what" Jennie said and rolled her eyes.

"I am just worried!" Lisa protested.

"Okay okay, Stop with the bickering. Are you okay Jen?" Rosè asked.

Jennie nods.

"Here Jennie, Eat these" Jisoo said as she given Jennie a plate of food. It was a lot so Jisoo gave some food to the others too.

They started to eat. Seokjin looks at Jisoo.

"Why aren't you eating?" Seokjin asked when he walks towards her.

"I am full" Jisoo said then they heard something coming from Jisoo's stomach.

"Your body is not cooperating with your lie" Seokjin said and chuckled.

"I just.. I am worried you know? Why did Taehyung left? I mean his grades here is good, His reputation is good and more" Jisoo asked.

"His dad got promoted to work at the states" Seokjin said.

Jisoo grabbed a bowl and spoon. She went to eat some soup.

"So.. Have you thought about it yet?" Seokjin asked.

"Thought what?" Jisoo asked.

"About your answer. I am not rushi ng you or what. I am just afraid that someone will get you before me" Seokjin said and both of them chuckled.

"It's a secret until we graduate" Jisoo said.

"So you mean you'll give me your answer in 2 months?!" Seokjin asked.

Jisoo nods.

"Too long! Not fair!" Seokjin said and pouted.

"Oh shut up or I won't give you answers" Jisoo threatened.

"Okay okay that was a joke" Seokjin said and scratched his nape.

'Just wait Seokjin. I am still confuse on whom I should choose' Jisoo thought.

End of Chapter 19
Word Count : 853

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