Chapter 2

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Cafeteria Fight
Jisoo's POV

"Unnie" Jennie whispered. We already arranged our seats. "Hm?" I hummed as a response.

"I-" Jennie got cut off by the professor.

"Okay, So please start Mr. Park Jinyoung" The Professor said. If you are wondering, Me, Jennie, Rose, Lisa and Jinyoung are at the Right Group and our enemy is on the left.

"Okay sir. For us what is love? I believe that if you love someone it can be because you have a reason. It might be hidden. You may not know it but deep in you, You have a reason to love that person. That's my perspective" Jinyoung started.

Then the jerk who I bumped into earlier raised his hand. "Yes Mr. Kim Seokjin?" The Professor called.

So the jerk's name is Seokjin.

"I belive that love has no reason. You won't see any reason if you really love a person. Because you had seen his or her flaws and mistakes. Failures and Faults. And also. Love can make you feel electricity through your veins and can make you feel butterflies in your stomach. That's all" He said. I was being quiet when the Professor called me.

"How about you Ms. Kim Jisoo?" He said.

"I uh.." I said and I fake a cough before speaking.

"I believe that love only give you pain. Like Kim Seokjin said, You will feel electricity flowing through your veins. What do you feel when that happen in reality? Pain right?" I said as he stood up and cut me off.

"But you will sacrifice for love. And true love can be forever" He said while glaring.

"There's no forever, mister. Love have limits and end." I answered.

"So what are you saying? My grandfather and grandmother doesn't have a true love?" He asked with a furious face.

"It's just. Love can bring happiness and at the same time it can bring pain. So why bother to be happy temporarily and suffer for the pain after the happiness? You might not know something about love because no one loves you" I said.

"Jisoo, I think you crossed the line" Jennie whispered. I look at Seokjin. His hand became a fist as we heard the bell rung.

"O-okay then.. Class Dismissed" The Professor said.

At The Locker Room

I am here at the locker room with my friends. Jennie is getting something from her locker while we are waiting I saw Mr. Jerk. "I think you said too much earlier" Lisa said.

"He deserve it. He is a d*mb*ss" I said in annoyance. I was looking through my phone when I heard gasped and a hand on my arm.

As Seokjin grabbed me and pinned me on the wall. "What the f*ck are you doing?" I complained.

"You don't know me. Stop messing with me if you don't want to feel hell" He said. Then Jinyoung grabbed Seokjin's arm that is pinning my hand above my head.

"Stop Mr. Kim Seokjin. This is inappropriate." He said. Is he trying to save my *ss?

"Tch. Back off. Mr. President." He said as he removed his grip on my lower arm that is placed above my head.

But when he slowly step backwards he bumped into a guy as he fall in front of me and...

W-We.. Kissed!

It took me five seconds to realize what happened. I am in betweek of his arm. He put his arm there so he won't be out of balance then I pushed him away.

"What the h*ll! You are the worst. For f*ck's sake!" I shouted before running away.

Seokjin's POV

I.. Kissed her? Wait no no. That's the wrong term. I ACCIDENTALLY kissed her?

What the f*ck!

Why is she so shock?

I mean who wouldn't. I saw other girls glaring and the others were shock. D*mnit.

Who the he bumped into me?!

I just went to my friends who are a little far from where I am.

As I go towards them, I heard Jimin laughing.

"Shut it, Jimin" I said in annoyance. "Wow, I thought you hate her. Didn't know that you'll kiss her" Taehyung said.

"Tch. Shut you mouth or I'll stitch it" I threatened them. It worked. They shut their filthy mouths.

We are now her at the cafeteria. I am walking peacefully when a weird girl started to go in front of me and started to cheer "JinRene" I closed my eyes in annoyance. I became more pissed off since she have a banner with my pictures and 'her' picture together that I deleted in my social media 1 year ago.

"Oh my, She said bad words" Jimin said.

"Where did you get all of those pictures?" I asked with a death glare.

"I-I am your fan ever since I joined this Stevard University.." The girl said stuttering.

"Didn't you have ears? What did I tell about this? Huh?!?" I shouted. I heard whispers and I saw the girl is shivering from fear.

"I-I.. That no one should mention the name of your ex.. I am sorry" She said as she started to sob.

"Quit the crying, Delete all of this pictures from you cellphone" I ordered.


"NOW!" I shouted at her. I am annoyed. I am pissed.

Jisoo's POV

"That's it! This jerk should have a lesson!" I said while I grit my teeth. I immediately stood up while my friends are trying to stop me that he is dangerous and more.

Do I look like I care?

I walk towards him and before he can turn around and walk away I quickly grabbed his collar and punched him in the face.

"Who the hell is she?!"

"How dare she hit our World wide Handsome?"

"What the f*ck is your problem?!" He shouted as he put his hand on his jaw.

"You and Your attitude is my problem!"

End of Chapter 2
Word Count : 992

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