A little bit of the past

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*This chapter is a flashback about what happen to theObelia Empire before they found Eren*

It had only been a day since Athanasia de Alger Obelia since was exacuted under the order of her own father Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia for posioning her sister, the beloved Princess Jennette de Alger Obelia. An only an hour after she was killed Jennette and her aunt, Rosalia Judith were caught laughting about getting rid of the 'pest' who stood in the way for Jennette true love; the throne of the Obelia Empire.

She hated Claude for not making her mother the empress and that she wasn't born or raised in the palace. When the Magician of the Black Tower found out the knews the great Lucius was fuirous; esapisally since he was the godfather of Athanasia. Using his great powers he used his magic to show everyone the truth about Jennette that he descovered to prove Athanasia ..... but he was too late to save her.

Acrossed the empire everyone saw the black magic coming off the beloved princess clinging to anyone around her. Once the black magic was destoryed everyone gasped in horror; Jennette eyes where ugly sickey green like her mothers not the jeweled blue eyes. Using a DNA spell it show that Jennette's mother had another affair with a commoner man (who wife was now beating him up in the middle of the square in the capital) and used black magic to try and turn Jennette into the prefect chess pieace so she could get the throne.

Claude was heart broken now; once the black magic was removed from him he remember Diana and now regrected killing the last pieace of his sun. He remember Athanasia doing anthing to earn his love, even doing Jennette's duties for her when the chimera was off cling to Claude or Ijekiel. He hated that her last words were "I love you father" with dead eyes and a sad smile.

He now tried to find any way to bring her back but Lucuis told the emperor it was too late; for Athanasia de Alger Obelia soul was now reborn. Claude once hearing the news locked himself inside his room for days dream about a life were he raised Athanasia and never brought that wentch's daughter into their lives.

The Empire was now without an heir and had the worst cause of bad luck then ever, it turned out Jennette didn't know how to read or write so she didn't do any of her princess work since Athanasia inprisonment to her death meaning bills and plans all over the Empire fell apart since she put a check mark for one half and a X marking for the other half. Mean stage plans were going down the drain left and right.

Jennette was soon kicked out of the palace with every maid from the Ruby Palace, expect one Lillain York. Jennette, now Jennette Judith and her aunt lost the Judith family statured as a Dukedom to all the way down to Barony. The Alpheus family had a lesser demountion from a Dukedom to a County. Making the two familes now laughing stocks in noble Society.

Years past by and the Empire moruned the lost of their true princess, but one day Lucius and Claude felt the presents of Athanasia mama, that was awaken after a long slumber. Claude order all the magicians of the Empire to locate his daughter.

In only 2 years did they found her and Lucius used his magic to show her true eyes, making Claude know that his brown hair girl that killed those creatures with easy was Athanasia. But their was only one problum; these people wearing the same outfit as the princess wouldn't let them bring her home.

Now sitting and arguing with these people, Emperor Claude and his nobles only stopped once Athanasia walked in and Claude prayed that she would agree to come home.

HI EVERYONE!!!!!! So I hope this little flashback was very helpful and intresting to read, the next chapter is Eren really meeting Claude without passing out. I wonder who would win in a fight Claude or Levi? Let me know your thoughts in the comments, BYE!!!!!!!

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