The deal

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*This is what  Eren's wearing in this chapter*

"So~ how is your face feel Levi?" asked Hange as their base doctor was bandaging Levi's face after Claude and Mikasa beat him up for kissing Eren. Meanwhile Eren was in another room being dress into a nice looking outfit with a long skirt with a long puffy sleeve shirt since Claude threaten anyone that looked at her while she was wearing her uniforms.

"Shut up." growled Levi before throwing glares at the two culprits who both were getting treated as well. Mikasa was getting her arm wrapped while Claude was brushed from the waist up. 'Haha, some Emperor he has more injuries then all three of us combine!' thought the two Survey Corps watching half of Claude was being wrapped into banadges.

Eren was finally allowed into the room after she got changed, an then punched Jean in his face when he laughed at her saying she now looked like a real girl. "Is this real girl enough for you Jean~?" cooed Eren as everyone else in the room broke out in laughs or fits of giggles seeing him being nocked out by one punch.

"Ok so how is he my father if I ate my Dad when I first turned into a Tittan?" question Eren before sitting down beside Levi, who ignored them the glares he was getting from the other side of the room.

"Oh I can tell you~" a male voice cooed from behind the couple making them quickly turned around seeing the man with long black hair and ruby red eyes wearing somesort of ceromonile robes. "I helped you be reborn into this world but you have both sets of parents in your DNA now!" said the man as he walked around looking at Eren with a happy look on his face "Oh an my name is Lucas the Tower Witch and your godfather!"

"I didn't name you her god-" said the Emperor till the wizard turned and glared at him cutting him off "YOU didn't cause Diana named me on her death bed Emperor!" Eren was now wondering what kind of rilationships she had with her past live cause right now she was so confussed at the moment.

'What the h*ll is happening to me, could this be worst then being a Tittan shifter?!?!?!' thought-screaming Eren as she looked down into her lap playing with her thumbs. Soon Queen Historia and Commanfer Erwin came into the room when the young Queen said "Eren, mister Felix" the Crimson Knight came out from behind them and walked to stand beside his Emperor "Said the Obelia Empire wil send support to help us against the tittans and help reclaim the wall under one condition .... you visit the Obelia Empire and try to bulid a relationship with Emperor Claude."

A few minutes passed in silance till a "WHAT?!!??!?!" the Survey Corps screamed as they all jumped out of their sets an started to protest, but Eren was the only one staying calm. "Eren? What's wroung?" Mikasa asked before grabbing her sister by her shoulders looking into Eren's jeweled blue eyes. "Mikasa .... Levi .... everyone ...." Eren said before looking up at her friends and family thinking 'I don't want anyone else I care about to die for this war any longer, it needs to END NOW!!!!'

"Emperor Claude!" Claude looked up watching his daughter staired at him with so much confaddiness and couage "I Eren Yager of the Suvrey Corps under the commaned of Captian Levi Ackerman will agree to this deal for the sace of humanity!" 

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