The dark The light

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The dark keeps the light but the light needs the dark as I love I slowly learn as I grow I understand the villains are only villains if you choose to see them as that the heroes are only hero's if you choose to see them like that so which side was right I thought even my heart didn't know I know hero but nor am I a villain I thought with my heart but as I grew and learn I am both I am an anti-hero but just as people should say You know hero nor a villain unless you choose to see all like that now you choose.  As I grow I notice I act more of a villain than a hero only a hero when I need to be to hide it but one day I know the light will turn off and the dark will grow as I look towards the dark I can feel myself wanting to return to the light before I go fully in yet half of me whats to jump right in it and hug it like it's home I don't understand as to why I can't decide but when I do decide will I make the right choice or will I pick the wrong one I still can't say nor do I know but I do know the dark and the light are so bright either way...they sparkle and look beautiful will I ever look like the dark or the light? 
They collapse in my mind and slowly as I open my eyes I can't see the difference between them as everyone said they were I slowly stop worrying about what's wrong ans what's right and head to my own version of light ane dark as I head there the more my eyes open and I realize the only difference is nothing there both the same and the only way something can be different is if you let there be a difference in your view.

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