Afraid of trusting

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I'm afraid of trusting you cause of how naive I am.
I'm afraid to show I care when I know how people are.
I'm afraid of of almost everyone...yet I cant show my emotions to them no matter what they are to me.
Your like a sibling to me yet I know the dark side of you...
You say I'm like them yet I can't forget what you hate is what I'm like.
You know what I am on one side get now you dont no my others.
I try to reach out and tell you yet I hold back and say something else.
I'm trap with strings all around me.
I smile and laugh while crying and screaming on the inside you seen one tear but I just say my eyes are just watering naturally.
But one day it all change.
I stop talking and ignore you and then when you or I need each other I'll never come back is what I thought yet all I want to do is to go back do you even realize I faked smiled I pretended to be okay? Or are you like all the others and don't see it?

I dont no why that question always bothered me but it does

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