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I won't be going over to what happened in Eren and Reiner's fight. Please rewatch it in case you forgot.


chapter xxx: the game pt I

It was drizzling and the breeze moved the ragged red flags on top of the walls

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It was drizzling and the breeze moved the ragged red flags on top of the walls. An ominous feeling was delivered.

Everyone was called to gather around, "is everyone clear?" Asked Hanji. "We'll deal with Ymir later." She looks in Connie's direction. Her face full of worry but was painted over a dominant expression. "I'll arrange a Scout squad to investigate your village later."

"For the time being, I want you to focus on the mission to fix the wall." She puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Got it?"


"Still," Hanji walks closer to the edge and gazes over the rainy terrain. "I expected this place to be swarming with titans.

Hearing faint horse steps, they all looked down and saw Hannes' squad who was sent to patrol around the wall. "it's the Garrison's advance squad." Hanji announces.

"They're here to tell us where the hole is."

Now that everyone has gathered around, capes and bodies all drenched in rain but that's not a few of their worries, right? They assisted Hannes up as he delivered the shocking news, "there's no hole anywhere!"


"We spent all night looking for it, but at least between Trost and Krolva District there' absolutely nothing wrong with the wall." Everyone was beyond confused.

If there wasn't a hole on the wall, then how did titans enter?

"What'd you say?" Exclaimed Hanji.

"We bumped into a few soldiers from Krolva and retraced our steps. We haven't seen any titans the whole way here."

Armin speaks up, "But..we know for sure there's Titans on this side of the wall."

"Did you look carefully?1 Are you sure you're not drunk?"

Hannes was taken aback, "I didn't drink! Wait.." He looks around and continues, "why are all of you here anyways?"

The question was left unanswered by vocal responses, but the wind blew harder which gave a more ominous feeling. There was something the other party knew that the other didn't.

Hanji turns back, "if there's no hole then so be it."

Unbeknownst to them, Kief was listening on the side. His eyes fell on two certain individuals behind the crowd: Reiner and Bertholdth.


"(Name)!" Petra yells as soon as she saw her walking figure toward them. They slapped the reins of their horses to reach her quickly.

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